3243 4613
Best players
$9$1268_10$10$BlackListed $11$https://warofdragons.com/images/data/clans/1472512296603_6374019.png$12$$13$19$14$Chosen by Gods$15$KrazyNerd [20$19$$28$KrazyNerd$29$Humans
$9$1524_10$10$Freedom_760$11$https://warofdragons.com/images/data/clans/Freedom.png$12$$13$19$14$Chosen by Gods$15$Chomiczka [20$19$$28$Chomiczka$29$Magmars
$9$1381_10$10$Intense$11$https://warofdragons.com/images/data/clans/7963112.gif$12$$13$19$14$Chosen by Gods$15$RAMBO-7 [20$19$$28$RAMBO-7$29$Humans
$9$1524_10$10$Freedom_760$11$https://warofdragons.com/images/data/clans/Freedom.png$12$$13$19$14$Chosen by Gods$15$AJAN-6 [20$19$$28$AJAN-6$29$Magmars
$9$1459_10$10$Invictus Dominus$11$https://warofdragons.com/images/data/clans/clanlogo_1459.gif$12$$13$19$14$Chosen by Gods$15$Lonely_Hunter [20$19$$28$Lonely_Hunter$29$Humans
$9$1570_10$10$Maximum Disrespect$11$https://warofdragons.com/images/data/clans/15820551513443_6572836.png$12$$13$19$14$Chosen by Gods$15$-Beyonder- [20$19$$28$-Beyonder-$29$Humans
$9$1524_10$10$Freedom_760$11$https://warofdragons.com/images/data/clans/Freedom.png$12$$13$19$14$Chosen by Gods$15$_comadik_ [20$19$$28$_comadik_$29$Magmars
$9$1524_10$10$Freedom_760$11$https://warofdragons.com/images/data/clans/Freedom.png$12$$13$19$14$Chosen by Gods$15$__I__D_i_e__I___ [20$19$$28$__I__D_i_e__I___$29$Magmars
$9$1408_10$10$Czarna Kompania$11$https://warofdragons.com/images/data/clans/4906882.gif$12$$13$19$14$Chosen by Gods$15$Zmiatacz [20$19$$28$Zmiatacz$29$Magmars
$9$144_10$10$Hostilis Humanis$11$https://warofdragons.com/images/data/clans/Hostilis_Humanis_logo.gif$12$$13$19$14$Chosen by Gods$15$-UltimaWeapon- [20$19$$28$-UltimaWeapon-$29$Magmars

Best clans


Fights of the Absolutes: Temple! 13.02.2025 17:30
In the world of Feo, mysterious incarnation elixirs have arrived, thanks to which every warrior can feel himself in the skin of a powerful creature and try his hand in battles against the same lucky people. Welcome to the Fights of the Absolutes! 

Special incarnation potions became available:

By drinking these potions, you will transform into one of the three Absolutes with unique abilities:

To participate in the Battle of Absolutes, you will need a special coin - Coin of the Absolutes.
For daily logins, you will receive 3 coins, and an additional 4 coins are available in the premium shop. Additionally, you can obtain them once from either Cagliostro the Alchemist or Veddun the Alchemist.

For each absolute victory on the battlefield you will receive Shard of the Astral Stone


Which can be exchanged in the guild of artisans for a variety of rewards

The event will start on 13.02 at 17:30 and will end on 17.02 at 11:00.

Warriors! Draw your blades in preparation for the Fights of the Absolutes!

Close-up to the Yeti Winter Games 13.02.2025 17:00
In the expanses of  Ogriy and  Khair spring is already in sight, but in the distant lands of the Yeti, covered with snow and ice, winter reigns all year round. The inhabitants of the ice islands have taken advantage of this: Every year, despite the change of season, they organize exciting competitions in which even Humans and Magmars could participate this time. For two weeks, warriors from the mainland and representatives of the northern tribes competed to display their skill and strength, but it's for the results.

The honourable Mahongu climbed onto the ice platform on the main square of Snow Valley and solemnly announced the conclusion of the Yeti Winter Games and announced the names of the mainland warriors who managed to win the most medals for victories in the Snow Islands competitions.

Pay attention to the new products in the store:

All clans that participated in the event can receive a reward from the elders in O’Delvays and Dartrong. Obtaining a reward is only available to the leader of the clan until the end of the event phase.

The keeper of traditions thanks all participants of the competition and invites the participants to visit his shop. Here everyone can exchange their truly earned tokens for valuable and useful items.
The shop with rewards is open until the end of the event in Snow Valley at the Keeper of Traditions.

Please note: winners will be awarded with their well-deserved medals on 5th March. The list of winners can be found here.

The Winter Games are over, but there are still many exciting competitions waiting for you!

Special Chests with Valuable Rewards! 12.02.2025 12:00

Please note: for the duration of the event when opening Ten-Fold Precious Trunk the chance to get a rare prize is increased by 3 timesAlso, each time you open it, you are guaranteed to get from 1 to 5 Platinum Thaler or 50 Platinum Thaler with a small chance.


When opening Gilded Chest the chance to get a rare prize is increased by 3 times, each time you open it you will receive guaranteed from 15 to 45 Platinum Thaler or 250 Platinum Thaler with a small chance.


Brave Warriors! Merchants have opened their stores with precious chests and have graciously invited you to purchase unique goods in the City Fairs of  Dartrong and  O'Delvays


At the bottom of the precious caskets you can also find several useful items: сertificates, medallions for summoning pets and аmulets of war mages, encased chess pieces, combat elixirs and other valuable goods.
Now, when opening precious chests bought at the City Fair, you can find the following items: 

At the bottom of these chests you can find many useful things, but most importantly: three new furry animals!

The sale will last until 12:00 on 16.02.

For every 200 or 800 spent in the Precious Chests Shop, you will receive items, listed below:

Please note: The progress bar will be reset when the promotion ends.
Buy special chests and discover valuable and useful goods! Let the contents of the caskets help you on the way to new victories and achievements! 

Star Shower 10.02.2025 15:00
From time to time the people of Faeo witness a unique and fairy occasion of Star Shower. The night sky illuminated only by the starlight is pierced by fiery meteors, leaving a sparkling trail. You just can't miss it! 
During this time the citizens and villagers know no sleep and rest - they go out in the streets having pinned  Asters flowers that shine in dark to their lapels they enjoy the spectacular show.
Now you can improve the characteristics of your star weapons with the new Elt Cube recipes! You'll need Star fragments, Special star fragments and Reflection gems for the upgrades.

Special Star Fragment can be turned into valuable Star Sprinkles, which are much needed by Ostap the craftsman or Soygura to create a celestial mosaic. They will gladly trade their wares for some amount of sparkling dust. You can get Star Sprinkles with the Crystal Hammer, available for purchase in the Premium shop.

It is the time of Star Showers in Faeo!

Rare Items for a Special Price 10.02.2025 13:00
Warriors of Faeo! City tradesmen announced the start of yet another sale! You can purchase various goods in the Rare Resources Store for very special price!

Merchants have decided to drop prices for items that are selling for diamonds and you can also now buy huge packs of resources with massive discounts! In addition, traders will be happy to offer you decorated chests with valuable resources!
You can now purchase new items from the Rare Resource Shop:

Also, till 12:00 12.02 for each 100 diamonds spent in the the Rare Resources Store you will receive an additional 45x Platinum Thaler, 2x Ludial Chain Link, 1x Reflection Gem and ONE of the following artifacts:

The sale will last until 12:00 12.02!
Have a pleasant shopping!

The Sage's Shop is open! 10.02.2025 13:00

Residents from all corners of Faeo are rushing to the towers of the sages! On this day, Globius and  Avelius have decided to open their shops with glorious goods. Make sure to hurry too, because in their shop you can find valuable pages of the treatise «Clan Unity» in exchange for various resources!

  • Hurry! The Sage's Shop will be open until 12:00 12.02.
  • The Sage's Shop is located in  Pacifist Hills and  Thorn Apple Brushwood at the sages Globius and Avelius.

Hurry and obtain the coveted pages, warriors!
After all, they will help your clan become stronger!

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