All restrictions have been reset! Pay attention to the following added products:
«Faeo warriors need help!» Is exactly what the merchants have thought, so they put unique goods on sale. These curiosities will not only please visitors with their beauty, but will also greatly enhance the power of those who acquire them.
Also, during the Fair for each 400 or 100 spent in the Fair Shop, you'll receive 4 Shards of Sparks of the Heavenly Fire, 4 Shards of Mithril Keys, 3 Pack of Cards, 15 Platinum Thaler, 1 Trading coupon in addition to regular rewards! 443151
The Awakening of Magic Rune Chest is available in the shop.
Please note: The progress bar will be reset when the promotion ends. The Fair will be open till 10.02, 12:00 Enjoy the fair, warriors!
Pay attention to the following added products:
«Faeo warriors need help!» Is exactly what the merchants have thought, so they put unique goods on sale. These curiosities will not only please visitors with their beauty, but will also greatly enhance the power of those who acquire them.
Also, during the Fair for each 400 or 100 spent in the Fair Shop, you'll receive 4 Shards of Sparks of the Heavenly Fire, 4 Shards of Mithril Keys, 3 Pack of Cards, 15 Platinum Thaler, 1 Trading coupon in addition to regular rewards! 443151
The Awakening of Magic Rune Chest is available in the shop.
Please note: The progress bar will be reset when the promotion ends. The Fair will be open till 10.02, 12:00 Enjoy the fair, warriors!
Brave residents of Faeo! A terrible roar has swept across the world, with news of the opening of a new magical portal which will take you to the ancient Plateau of Silence, year 134! Go back in time and show the enemy race what you are capable of! At the entrance to The Plateau of Silence, year 134 you will have only 10 minutes to prepare, during which you will need to gather equipment and consumables. To do this, kill enemy scouts and inspect chests in the hunt screen. Fight on The Plateau of Silence, year 134 and lead your race to victory!
The air trembles with the roar of the winds of magic. The raging element distorts the reality, changing the usual rules of the game... And now the rage of the first-born energy reached the Tallaar's Halls, mixing the participants and opening up new opportunities for them! From 07.02, 17:00 until the end of the event, all the participants of the battles in the Halls receive a Tallaar's Rage at the entrance. This effects gives you 100% immunity to stun from physical attacks. The buff Tallaar's Rage has been updated: In addition, the received physical damage does not decrease when you are in block (applied damage decreases same as before). You will also have double valor and no-break during the weekend!Finishing at the places 1-3 in Tallaars Halls will grant you 50-700 trophy hunter reputation. This reward can be received up to 3 times per day. In addition, awards for 1st-5th place have been added:
1. 5 points of Dungeons of Forgotten Heroes Reputation, 30 Gladiator’s Coin,10 Mark of the Fearless Warrior and 3 Precious Forged Trunk; 2. 4 points of Dungeons of Forgotten Heroes Reputation, 25 Gladiator’s Coin, 8 Mark of the Fearless Warrior, 2 Precious Forged Trunk; 3. 3 points of Dungeons of Forgotten Heroes Reputation, 20 Gladiator’s Coin, 6 Mark of the Fearless Warrior, 3 Precious Forged Coffer; 4. 15 Gladiator’s Coin, 4 Mark of the Fearless Warrior, 2 Precious Forged Coffer; 5. 10 Gladiator’s Coin, 2 Mark of the Fearless Warrior, 1 Precious Forged Coffer You can also buy a Forgotten Heroes contract in the Premium Shop for the duration of the event, which doubles the Dungeons of Forgotten Heroes Reputation for places 1-3. You can only get the bonus once per contract, it applies automatically. Magical storms never last long. On 10.02 at 11:00 the rules will be normal again.Fight under new rules! Let the storm come stronger!
Brave defenders of Ogriy and Khair! Bankers of Faeo have good news for all those who wish to use their services and replenish their diamond balance! From 13:00 07.02 and until 12:00 10.02 after replenishing your balance with 50, 100 or 200, you will receive a certificate, corresponding the replenished amount. Use this chance to increase your wealth!
«Faeo warriors need help!» Is exactly what the merchants have thought, so they put unique goods on sale. These curiosities will not only please visitors with their beauty, but will also greatly enhance the power of those who acquire them.
Also, during the Fair for each 400 or 100 spent in the Fair Shop, you'll receive 4 Shards of Sparks of the Heavenly Fire, 4 Shards of Mithril Keys, 3 Pack of Cards, 15 Platinum Thaler, 1 Trading coupon in addition to regular rewards! 443151
The Awakening of Magic Rune Chest is available in the shop.
Please note: The progress bar will be reset when the promotion ends. The Fair will be open till 10.02, 12:00 Enjoy the fair, warriors!
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