3243 4613
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$9$1268_10$10$BlackListed $11$https://warofdragons.com/images/data/clans/1472512296603_6374019.png$12$$13$19$14$Chosen by Gods$15$KrazyNerd [20$19$$28$KrazyNerd$29$Humans
$9$1524_10$10$Freedom_760$11$https://warofdragons.com/images/data/clans/Freedom.png$12$$13$19$14$Chosen by Gods$15$Chomiczka [20$19$$28$Chomiczka$29$Magmars
$9$1381_10$10$Intense$11$https://warofdragons.com/images/data/clans/7963112.gif$12$$13$19$14$Chosen by Gods$15$RAMBO-7 [20$19$$28$RAMBO-7$29$Humans
$9$1524_10$10$Freedom_760$11$https://warofdragons.com/images/data/clans/Freedom.png$12$$13$19$14$Chosen by Gods$15$AJAN-6 [20$19$$28$AJAN-6$29$Magmars
$9$1459_10$10$Invictus Dominus$11$https://warofdragons.com/images/data/clans/clanlogo_1459.gif$12$$13$19$14$Chosen by Gods$15$Lonely_Hunter [20$19$$28$Lonely_Hunter$29$Humans
$9$1524_10$10$Freedom_760$11$https://warofdragons.com/images/data/clans/Freedom.png$12$$13$19$14$Chosen by Gods$15$_comadik_ [20$19$$28$_comadik_$29$Magmars
$9$1524_10$10$Freedom_760$11$https://warofdragons.com/images/data/clans/Freedom.png$12$$13$19$14$Chosen by Gods$15$__I__D_i_e__I___ [20$19$$28$__I__D_i_e__I___$29$Magmars
$9$1570_10$10$Maximum Disrespect$11$https://warofdragons.com/images/data/clans/15820551513443_6572836.png$12$$13$19$14$Chosen by Gods$15$-Beyonder- [20$19$$28$-Beyonder-$29$Humans
$9$1524_10$10$Freedom_760$11$https://warofdragons.com/images/data/clans/Freedom.png$12$$13$19$14$Chosen by Gods$15$Bratek1234 [20$19$$28$Bratek1234$29$Magmars
$9$1408_10$10$Czarna Kompania$11$https://warofdragons.com/images/data/clans/4906882.gif$12$$13$19$14$Chosen by Gods$15$Zmiatacz [20$19$$28$Zmiatacz$29$Magmars

Best clans


Sum-up of the results of Luck Glow! 05.02.2025 13:00
The benevolent Luck Glow sent down by the higher forces to the lands of Faeo has extinguished...
Who has earned the blessing of the changeable fortune thanks to their excitement and generous offerings this time? How close were the representatives of each race to each other? Read more information in the news...
Warriors of both continents can receive the promised reward from the Well of Fortune and Mouth of Fortune at the City Squares of O'Delvays and Dartrong.

​The start of the Winter Games! 05.02.2025 12:00
As it turns out, the Yetis had no insidious plans to attack Humans or Magmars at all. They just want to hold their traditional Winter Games! After entering the Snow Valley through a magical portal, the warriors quickly became convinced and even helped the locals with the preparations. And now the grateful Elder Mahongu announces the start of the annual competition. Everyone is welcome!
The warriors are offered to participate in six types of competitions. You can test your strength in fishinggelanf hunting, canoeing, throwing iciclesfighting in the confrontational arena, as well as in one-on-one battles.
New awards to all winter games participants!
Snow Games await the strong, skilful and brave!
Show the Yetis who the true champion of Faeo are!

Magic Mirror Rewards 05.02.2025 12:00
Pay attention to the bundles:

2 2

The way to the realm of reflections,seems to be blocked forever by the unshakable surface of mirrors. But now the celestial bodies are positioned in such a way that this barrier has become permeable for a short time! The mirror spirits, who have long dreamed of taking possession of the gold of all worlds, have immediately seized this rare opportunity. However, do not be afraid of the invasion of enemy armies - the spirits will simply offer the warriors a gamble.

In exchange for payment of gold coins, you can take possession of one of the valuable items supplied by the mirror, or even an amazing artefact that cannot be obtained in any other way.

In the Premium Shop, under the "Promotions" tab, a item is available - Reliquary of the Looking-glass spirit! Please note: These chests are fully equivalent to the "Magic Mirror" event. You can purchase the item for  diamonds and Platinum Thalers
The chests will remain on sale until 12:00 08.02
Please note: Reliquary of the Looking-glass spirit is fully equivalent to the event "Magic Mirror". When you open the Ark, you can also obtain unique itemsCuisses of Agonnyy TokenGlif-a-Mirey’s Boots Token and Bag of Magical Stones!

Note the changes: new rewards await you!

Come to try your luck in the Magic Mirror event! Hurry warriors, the Magic Mirror event won't last forever!

Update in the Premium Shop! 04.02.2025 12:00
Warriors! The Premium Shop has been updated! Enjoy the new Certificate «30 best days»! After purchasing it you will receive more daily login bonuses!
Please note: the chests you get with Certificate «30 best days» will contain even more rewards!​
But there is more! Do you like the Benefical Exchange event? With this certificate you will have it as long as you have Certificate «30 best days»! For exchanging 15  diamonds, you will receive additional  gold!  

Keep in mind: after purchasing Certificate «30 best days» you will receive it's first benefit only NEXT DAY.
The offer will last until 12:00 8.02.

Welcome to the Premium Shop!

In the Footsteps of an Ancient Relic 03.02.2025 15:00
The depths of Faeo still harbor many treasures left by bygone eras! And among them is not only stolen gold buried by robbers, or someone's family jewelry. In the depths of the earth of both continents, the rarest magical artifacts are also hidden, capable of restoring their former witchcraft power in skillful hands.

The Great Sheara found out that fragments of a mysterious sphere, possibly created by the Chosen Ones themselves, were scattered somewhere in secluded places. If you put the parts together and cleanse them of the filth accumulated over the millennia, the ball will still serve for the benefit of Faeo!
First of the Relics!Three Relics already!A whole bunch of Relics!Delivery of RelicsA strange fragment
Alas, the path to the caches where the fragments are stored is riddled with terror. If you undertake the challenge to fulfil Sheara's task, you will first have to find clues in the lairs of the fiercest creatures. Then only will you be able to find the path to the ancient relics! However, the reward that the Mistress of Dragons will give you is worth the trouble!

The "Search for an Ancient Relic" quest is available to warriors who have reached level 3. The task can be obtained from Sheara herself, who is waiting for you in the Spectral Expanse.

It's time to wrest ancient secrets from the silent depths of Faeo!
Find a priceless relic for the Mistress of Dragons!

Gifts for Diamonds Purchase 03.02.2025 12:00
Diamonds, that shine under the rays of Mirrow, are rightfully considered to be the most valuable currency of the world of Faeo. Warriors with the handful of diamonds can open many doors, and tradesmen will be glad to offer rarest goods. Now you can receive valuable and important goods for the mere fact of purchasing diamonds, without actually spending them!

Warriors! Starting from today and till 12:00 07.02 when purchasing diamonds, during the special offer, you will receive gifts! There are 10 valuable gifts, which you will receive one by one for each  50 you buy.

IMPORTANT! You can now do that in multiple purchases - your reward will unlock after the sum of your purchases is greater than 50! After receiving one prize, you will receive the next one after purchasing another 50 diamonds in total. Remember that you don't have to spend the diamonds to get the rewards!
Hurry - this offer is limited in time!

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