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  • "Black_Light" started this thread

Posts: 542

Location: I am inside your house

Occupation: Don't know who I am anymore

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Sunday, April 21st 2019, 9:45pm

chaotics level 10

We can also have chaotics guys/girls as mages do, dunno if armor breaks or not, but we can still have some fun atleast, Let's say each day at 21:25 game time ? we need only 8 people to start it :) :beer:
FACT: I'm 100m away from you.

S̸͍̻͓͆ͅŢ̸̙̪͔͈̜̪̏̓͊̆̂̔͌̇͆̉A̴̢̺̥͍̬͈̻̦̫͜͠ͅR̵̛͕̲͖̜̦̭̦̪͙͍̍͆̓̔̾̍͘͝͝Ț̴̯̺͓̿̈́̉͌͌ͅ ̵͖̲͕̰̎͐̓̋͂͗̈̅̀͛͑͘̕͝Ř̸̡̡̻͖̖͛͐̇́͐̉̍̕͝Ứ̴͈͓̗̙͙͎̝̻̬̀̇͛̿̏̉̓̈́̃̊͗Ņ̸̦̬̬̭͍͚̦̞̰̇̎̔̍̀͑̑́͑̓̌͘͜͝ͅŅ̴̑́̅̍̒̿I̷͈͍͌͐̋̾̌̅́̏N̸̥̯̦̗̱̲̙̆͗̀̆̐̒̉͆̀̉́̅̈́̕͝ͅĢ̵̡͕̣̻̬̗̘̖̜̙̳̔̀̌͑̐̈̑͂̂̇͠!̵̡̂̍̕!̵̢̨̻̖̰̳̘̻̗̜͖͒̉̂͂̑!̷̧̢̛̪͕̪͈̲̭̱͌͒̀̾̉̈́̽͒͛̿̀̚̕͠

Posts: 897

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Sunday, April 21st 2019, 9:48pm

+1 and im in so 6 more ppl :horse:
I don't have no fear of death. My only fear is coming back reincarnated.


Monday, April 22nd 2019, 12:10pm

Yes there is way to little BF for level 10's come on we can do this why not

Posts: 172

Location: Spain Valencia

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Monday, April 22nd 2019, 3:27pm

just lvl up, its easier, and we need more scalps : click:


Monday, April 22nd 2019, 6:29pm

Matt F. aka Lord_Matt.