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Tuesday, November 1st 2011, 12:37am

What's wrong in asking?

I'm not very expert of forum, but for what I understood the "halloween event" tread was just for "not loading fighting"... so if I try to ask something there but I didn't have a "not loading fight", my post will be deleted or not answered at all... Ok.. now I got it so I open a NEW thread for my questions... Maybe in that way it's more correct...
Let's start...

There was a "Halloween Event" about a strange Hunted House... for my understanding (correct me if I'm wrong.. now and till the end) the event was opened to everyone.... from lev 3 to 12 (or like that)... ok, very nice... we like to celebrate with events....
But then some problems started... some people was not able to load the fights (you can find the problem inside the thread mentioned above).. some people was obtaining candies and similar without they never appeared in the backpack... and so on...
Mmmmm I think the event was not yet really ready...
Ok... nice, good and correct Admins fixed the fighting problems and gave money back to people involved in "not loading fights".... Till now we know everything...

Now something strange and unpolite (my opinion)... the event was for everyone... BUT.... you have to fight monsters like gargoyle [8]... OMG... how can a lev 4 afford such a big monsters, also considering he can use JUST ONE summon? Well.... maybe the event was open to everyone, but "RECOMMENDED" just from a certain level... so maybe a lev 4, who HAS NO CHANCE to win in the House, had to read this and to consider opportunity to not go inside... but WHERE can he read this BEFORE going in?
He's sure that, like some instances are opened, for example, from lev 4 and "RECOMMENDED" from lev 8, in the same way if was not possible for a lev 4 to afford the House it had to be written somewhere... So he can avoid going inside and just lose money for something he cant afford...

So... the FIRST question is:
Was it written somewhere that the event, for how I wrote above, was at least RECOMMENDED from a certain level?

Ok... now let's talk about higher levels.. who can afford monsters and paid for the event... They go inside... dark and scary place... full of evil big and strong monsters... they fight... the win... they go on for the treasure... they open a door and.... OOOOOPS, they're kicked out from there... please other money, another round...
Some Admin told that this is a feature of the Hunted House, the possibility to open a wrong door and find yourself out... and to pay again for start again...
Well... maybe it's true... a Hunted House has a lot af strange places and mechanism... but before going inside an event, I think I have to know this "feature"... If you describe so well the great, nice and preciuos prizes, maybe you should explain also how it works... If I think to be strong enough for monsters I go in (let's remember none knew the monster's level - question 1)... and try... But if I know that there is the POSSIBILITY to be kicked out without any reason... mmmm... maybe not...

So... the second question:
Was it written somewhere this particular "feature" of the Hunted House?

Sorry for being so long, but correctly, Admins want we to explain exactly the problem, so they will answer FOR SURE...
I wait here... inside the "correct thread" for my questions.

Here we find the clear answer of administration, well, at least of ONE administrator:

Faeo is a dangerous world, not a kindergarten where everything is explained into the deepest detail and not like the modern world, where there are warning signs on every coffee cup, telling you that you can burn yourself. It is up to you and your fellow players to find out things like that. Remember you are brave warriors in Faeo!

Now... first of all a personal answer to Cross Knight.... show a bit of respect to people, avoiding talking of "kindergarten"... I'm old enough to understand that mine is not but a NORMAL asking... and I think I have the right of a NORMAL answer...

Then, let's go back to the topic... Considering that after Cross Knight's "answer", he closed the thread without giving chance to talk... (i think this is something related to "democracy"... but I dont want to create useless polemics)...
When an event is "organized" I think it's quite normal to explain what this is about... When a player PAYS an amount that is not small for certain levels I think he has the RIGHT to know what he's payng for... "deepest details" are "how many monsters should I fight with"... or "how many rooms there are"... or "how many life points have the monsters inside"... The POSSIBILITY to be kicked out after paying 5 gold is not a "DETAIL"... Telling something about the monsters inside (lev 8) in an event opened to everyone is not a "DETAIL"... considering the event is open to everyone and, I REPEAT, a lev 4 had NO CHANCE to win at all...

So i still wait answers to my question and i add the most important question: Was the event organized in a correct way, in your PERSONAL opinion? Try not to talk like an admin, but like a player...

I wait and I send regards,
With unchanged respect.


Tuesday, November 1st 2011, 12:39am

Sorry for the size... my mistake... dont know how to fix... Of course the "big" part was my BLOCKED post....


Tuesday, November 1st 2011, 1:43am

i agree with you babak i posted a forum on here and surprise surprise admins have deleted it...


Tuesday, November 1st 2011, 1:46am

sorry my mistake i hasn't been deleted i just found it after a spelling era but still no reply...…?highlight=hand


Tuesday, November 1st 2011, 11:01am

Are you reporting any issues here that have not yet been reported?

Quoted from "Fairy Tale;104974"

This server is heaven, admins are angels


Tuesday, November 1st 2011, 12:54pm

I'm asking some questions still without any answer... Reporting some issues none of admins cared about yet...
Report something that is/was not working without receiving any answer to question, can not be a reason to not report it again...
Still waiting...


Tuesday, November 1st 2011, 7:09pm

in my post cross knight you say you have resolved these problems so if that is true then why did my friend IAU go to the house last night (level 4) and get attacked by a level 8 gargoyle?..

also i don't see you giving anyone that is a low level getting attacked by high level monsters from within there getting there money back you haven't resolved anything as far as i see also people have left the game already because of some mishaps do you not care that people are leaveing?.. if you don't care than that is disrespectful and also it is shameful because if every event has people leaveing eventually no one will want to play this game and then what do you do?..


Wednesday, November 2nd 2011, 10:39am

Ok, here is the "problems" that you reported:

"some people was not able to load the fights"

This has been fixed a long time ago and players hacve been compensated.

"you have to fight monsters like gargoyle [8]... "

You might not like that, but it was not a bug, it was just bad luck when you were attacked by them. We have already communicated that this is not a bug.

"they go on for the treasure... they open a door and.... OOOOOPS, they're kicked out from there"

Not a bug. Already told you.

"Was it written somewhere this particular "feature" of the Hunted House?"

No, Not all featrues were described in detail. It's part of the fun to find out what is ni there. I already told you.

"he closed the thread without giving chance to talk"

This section of the forum is reporting issues, not for "talking".

Did I miss anything? Everything was answered already. There was no issue reported that hasn't been reported already. Please don't abuse this part of the forum. This just takes everyones time and makes it more difficult to create good events for you.

Quoted from "Fairy Tale;104974"

This server is heaven, admins are angels


Wednesday, November 2nd 2011, 5:13pm

Quoted from "Cross Knight;118057"


"you have to fight monsters like gargoyle [8]... "

You might not like that, but it was not a bug, it was just bad luck when you were attacked by them. We have already communicated that this is not a bug.

I'm not saying it's a bug... I'm saying that is absurd opening an event like that to EVERYONE (without putting AT LEAST that is recommended from a certain lev), when it's clear that a lev 4 has NO CHANCE AT ALL to do it... of course he discovers it after paying....


Wednesday, November 2nd 2011, 5:15pm

Quoted from "Cross Knight;118057"

"they go on for the treasure... they open a door and.... OOOOOPS, they're kicked out from there"

Not a bug. Already told you.

"Was it written somewhere this particular "feature" of the Hunted House?"

No, Not all featrues were described in detail. It's part of the fun to find out what is ni there. I already told you.

A feature that can vanish a so expensive event should be mentioned or not? I agree you cant wexplain all single details... but for an event which costs 5 gold, this can not be considered a detail...


Wednesday, November 2nd 2011, 5:46pm

This section of the forum is for reporting issues only, not for discussing opinions about events. Last warninig.