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Sunday, September 27th 2015, 3:39pm

Palaces of King Magish quest


Current goal:Уничтожьте необычную нежить, которая поселилась в руинах Ратного стана. После победы вернитесь к хранителю Шоду в Пригорье за амулетом.

I really would love to undrestand russian but... I don´t. Can anybody tell what do I have to do?

Spasiva? :D

Posts: 1,512

Location: South Africa

Occupation: IT

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Tuesday, September 29th 2015, 3:54pm

google translate, 2 seconds of my life

Current goal: Destroy unusual undead, who settled in the ruins of the mill PATH. After winning back to the keeper Shodu in Bree amulet.

hope this helps
what is the definition of insanity? :glance:


Tuesday, September 29th 2015, 11:08pm

Thanks for those 2 seconds, seems that google translator is kinder with you :D

Cheers :)

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