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Saturday, April 19th 2014, 5:08pm


Hello I have a quest or I do not find the solution (Runic Tablet) who can help me? ?(


Tuesday, June 17th 2014, 1:37pm

I also need help with this quest


Tuesday, June 17th 2014, 8:35pm

Ive just recently completed this quest so i will try to explain using the image above as my example.

1. First narrow down the possible answers by adding the 2 colored gems below symbols (think of mixing paint).
**Using example above: Consulting google or high school art class memory: Blue and yellow = green. This means the answer MUST be one of the symbols with a green gem. Problem is there are usually 2 anwers with right colored gem. So you must do step 2 as well.

2. Mentally picture each symbol ontop of each other. Then remove any lines that are equal. Combine all the lines that remain and the result is the correct symbol.
**Using example above: If you put both symbols on each other the middle fork sections are equal so erase that. The result is therefore gonna look like this:

You might not understand step 2 at first but keep trying and pattern will present itself. Credit for solution goes to those that commented on the news:…&id=1813&page=1


Tuesday, June 17th 2014, 8:52pm

Great way to explain and show the visual aspect of this quest!

Posts: 35

Location: West Coast USA

Occupation: School - Mechanical Engineering

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Tuesday, February 10th 2015, 10:40pm

Excellently explained. Thank you.