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Friday, January 19th 2024, 4:33am

[GUIDE] Mystras

1. Heading to the Land of Mystras
NPC: Squire Voldemar (Paradise Corner)

Your goals:
  • Talk to Witch Gredeya (Wild Forest) and ask her to a medicine.
  • Talk to Gloum the Swindler (Barrow of Sadness) and ask him for clothes.
  • Then go to City shop ("Food" tab) and buy provisions: (10pcs.) (10pcs.) (10pcs.) (10pcs.)

NPC: Gredeya the Witch (Wild Forest)

Your goal: Go to Kretch Lair in Free Meadows, kill the Spider Patriarkh and obtain its venom.

Then prepare: (10pcs.), (10pcs.) (10pcs.) (100pcs.) (24cps.)

After obtaining all of the above, return to Gredeya the Witch.

NPC: Gloum the Swindler (Barrow of Sadness)

Your goal: Go to Samary the Antiquarian, hand him the documents and ask for a box. Then return to Gloum the Swindler.

NPC: Samary the Antiquarian (Outskirts of Klesva)

Your goal: Bring Samary (10pcs.) and (5pcs.)

Now return to Gloum the Swinder in Barrow of Sadness.

Your goal: Get (10pcs.) (10pcs.) (10pcs.) (10pcs.) and return to Squire Voldemar in Paradise Corner.

Your goal: Use the compass in Virigiya District (in Backpack > Items)

You hear the cries of extraordinary birds and see the endless expanse of water.
Received: Travel Diary [b]1 pc .[/b]

NPC: Captain Bartolo
Your goal: Write in your diary regularly during the journey.

You will have to use the Diary in your backpack 3 times. (Backpack > Quests tab)
After using the Diary 3 times, talk to the Captain again.

Your goal: Catch 3 fish. (Explore the ship to find a good fishing spot) After catching one report to the Captain.

You can fish by choosing "Fishing" option 3 times, you can find this option on the Locations list on the right.
Return to the Captain.

Your goal: Inspect the ship to patch up holes, then get rid of any remaining water on board. Then report to Captain.

- Holes filled: 0 out of 3
- Water drawn out: 0 out of 3

Again look at the Locations' List on the right and choose an option to patch the holes and pour out the water. You will have to do it 3 times.
After completing the task talk to Captain Bartolo.

Your goal: Keep writing your diary.
Use the diary another 3 times (Backpack > Quests tab), after writing in it for the last time you will be moved into a new location "Eshduur Bay".
Talk to the Captain.

Your goal: Using a spear/harpoon get 5 pieces of game meat. Then clean up the shore from debris. After completing the task talk to the Captain.

Use a spear/harpoon in your backpack (Quests tab) 5 times.
Choose "removing" options on the Location list on the right (Remove boards, barrels, boxes).

Go back to Captain and report to him about your work.

Your goal: Look around for spices and cover the poultry meat in them. Then speak to the Captain.

Again check the Location list on the right to find herbs.
Now go to your backpack, Quests tab and use the spices.

Exotic Spices

Speak to the captain.

Your goal: Go to the shore ans search the ship for a piece of fabric and branches , then assemble a Water Purification Device . Purify the water with the device and return to the Captain.

In the Location menu on the right click on "Search for Branches" and "Find Fabric" options.
Then go to your backpack > Quests tab, and use sticks and cloth to create a Water Purification Device.
Go to your backpack > Quests tab again and use the Device.

Return to the Captain.

Your goal: Using a saw cut down a few trees. (You should probably drink some potions because the sand feels somewhat... alive).

After using the saw you will be attacked by 5 monsters which HP depends on your character's level.
For level 16 players monsters will have 12497 HP.

After the battle a new Character will appear:

NPC: Emir Vazilur

Your goal: Go to the city of Mystras and talk to Caliph Valihar.

Go to Dindaat forests and then to City of Mystras.
Your goal: Show what you can do in battle, then talk to the lord.

After the dialogue ends you will be attacked by 3 monsters.
Level 20 monsters' HP will be 11497HP.

After the battle talk to:
NPC: Caliph Valihar

Your goal: Return to the ship and inform Captain Bartolo that it is time to head back.

Your goal: Return home and talk to Squire Voldemar in Paradise Corner.

(3pcs.) (3pcs.) (1pc.) (1pc.)
Human Head Mentor

If you need Mentor's assistance please check here

This post has been edited 4 times, last edit by "-Lilah-" (Jan 19th 2024, 4:48am)


Friday, January 19th 2024, 6:50pm

Mystras Main Quests Part 2/4

2. The Tracks Lead to the Realm of the Dead

NPC: Emir Vazilur (Ashduur Cove)

Your Goal: Go to the City of Mystras and talk to Elendiyar the Keeper.

NPC: Elendiyar the Keeper (Mystras)
Your Goal: Go to Pandrick the Wise and ask him for advice.

NPC: Pandrick the Wise (Light's Edge)
Your Goal: Go to Vassals' Tombs and talk to the Necromancer.

NPC: Necromancer (Vassals' Tombs)
Your Goal: Go to Elendiyar in the City of Mystras and find out where you can get the Mushroom of Visions. Then bring 66 Bringer of Evil Skulls and 6 belladonna plants to the Necromancer. You’ll also need 6 golds.

Your Goal: Head to the Dindaat Forest and talk to the Old Fattar.

NPC: Old Fattar (Dindaat Forest)
Your Goal: You will be attacked by young mushrooms, you can either defeat them or be defeated by them, the outcome doesn't matter.

Look at the Locations Menu on the right side of the game screen and choose the "deal with the noisy mushrooms".

Mushrooms will use a deadly effect called Explosive Spores, this effect stacks, when you have 5 of these effects on you, it will explode and deal 90% of your health will be gone, so monitor your HP level at all times.
Additionally each of the mushrooms will heal once in the battle, using the Healing Spores effect.

After the battle talk to the Old Fattar.
Your Goal: Scatter the Spores in each location of Mystras, then go back to the Old Fattar.
Look at the Location list menu on the right again and choose the option that says: "Scatter the spores"

Return to the Old Fattar.

Your Goal: Return to the Necromancer with the Mushroom of Visions, 66 Bringer of Evil Skulls and 6 belladonna plants and 6 golds.

Your Goal: Drink the potion and use the map . Look for Sacred Writings of the Dead until you find them. Then go back to Necromancer.

1) Go to your backpack > Effects tab > Use the potion of insight
2) Now go to the "Quests" tab and use the map.
3) Searching for the Writings is the same as for Treasure Hunters reputation:
Go to the designated location and enter the Hunt mode. Then use the Magnifying Glass tool (in the left bottom corner of the screen) and keep dragging it around to reveal the treasure.
You will have to keep looking and finding chests that you can open in your backpack.

Received: Sacred Writings of the Dead. At the same time, you felt terrible weakness.

Now head back to the Necromancer.

Your Goal: Go to Gredeya the Witch and ask for help.

NPC: Gredeya the Witch (Wild Forest)

Your Goal: Kill any superbeing and fill the pot with its soul, then come back to the Witch.

Any superbeing will count, does not have to be your level. (Abode of Eternal Ice superbeings count too)

Your Goal: Get 16 Cuckoo Flowers, Dead Rum and a Mandrake Root . For the Mandrake Root, go to Mandragora Almandra.

For players without an access to the Underwater, you can buy Dead Rum via Auction/Exchange.
Please note: In order to drop Dead Rum from the Captain hagar Claw you need to have a Large Crystal Glass Flask, which can be bought in the Guild of Artisans shop. You also need to have studied the a special guide .

NPC: Mandragora Alamandra (Dindaat Forest)

Your Goal: Fight the Mandrake! You don't have to win the battle.

The only tip is that she will stun you when her HP falls below 30% so make sure your HP is closer to 100% before that happens and you will win the fight easily.

After the battle talk to Alamandra again.

Your Goal: Scatter the seeds around the Mystras locations and go back to the Almandra.
We scatter them around the same way we did with spores, walk to all 3 Mystras locations and use the option "Scatter the seeds" listed in the Location menu.
Then come back to Alamandra.

Your Goal: Bring 16 Cuckoo Flowers, Dead Rum and a Mandrake Root to Gredeya the Witch in Wild Forest.

Your Goal: Set the vat on fire when you are ready to summon the Ifrit and fight him. After the battle, go to Elendiyar.

Go to your backpack and use the vat (Quests tab). You will be attacked by Bukhamman the Ifrit.

After the battle head to Elendiyar.

Human Head Mentor

If you need Mentor's assistance please check here

This post has been edited 10 times, last edit by "-Lilah-" (Jan 23rd 2024, 10:15pm)


Friday, January 19th 2024, 8:01pm

Mystras Main Quests Part 3/4

3. Reflections of Secrets

NPC: Emir Vazilur (Ashduur Cove)

Your goal: Try to question the residents of Mystras for information about the Mirror of True Essence . Start with Elendiyar the Keeper.

NPC: Elendiyar the Keeper (Mystras)
Your goal: Go to see Old Fattar and ask him about the Mirror.

NPC: Old Fattar (Dindaat Forest)
Your goal: Go to see Mandragora Almandra and ask her about the Mirror.

NPC: Mandragora Alamandra (Dindaat Forest)
Your goal: Get the Fireflowers (50 pieces) and go back to Mandragora Almandra.
Your goal: Go to the city of Mystras and talk to the Genies at the gazebo.

NPC: Yajid (Mystras)
Your goal: Talk to the Genie holding the hammer at the ready.

NPC: Assaf the Blacksmith (Mystras)
Your goal: You’ve noticed that the Genie on the bridge is staring at you. Talk to him.

NPC: Mysterious Bizkhuf (Mystras)
Your goal: Go to see the Pandrik the Wise and ask about the Mirror.

NPC: Pandrick the Wise (Light's Edge)
Your goal: Go to see the Gredeya the Witch and ask for a meeting to be arranged with the Mirror Spirit.

NPC: Gredeya the Witch (Wild Forest)
Your goal: Get the (300 pcs.), (9 pcs.), (30 pcs.) and one . Then return to Gredeya the Witch.

Your goal: Find the mirror wherever the Mirror Spirit tells you to look for it. Then go back to Emir Vazilur.
The Mandrake said: You can only find such a valuable thing in the capital!
The Spirit told you: .retaw eht ni detcelfer era seineg dnA .serohs ynots eht neewteb mottob eht ta gniyL

You have to head back to the City of Mystras and click on the water under the bridge.

20:28 Received: Shattered Mirror of True Essence [b]1 pcs.[/b]

Head back to Emir Vazilur (Ashduur Cove).

Your goal: Show the mirror to Elendiyar the Keeper.

Your goal: Get 10 Cuckoo Flowers and 10 Fireflowers , as well as 500 Dust of Marvelous Glass and 2 Miscellaneous Parts . Afterwards return to Elendiyar the Keeper.

20:34 Received: Mortar for Marvelous Glass 1 pcs.

Use the Mortar for Marvelous Glass in order to crush your Marvelous Glasses into dust .

You will need 500 pcs. of Marvelous Glasses for that.
20:37 Removed: Marvelous Glass 500 pcs. Received: Dust of Marvelous Glass 500 pcs.

Your goal: Go to see Assaf the Blacksmith and pass on to him Elendiyar’s request.

Your goal: Go to the shop in O'Delvays Square and buy food for the blacksmith: (15 pcs.), (20 slices), (10 sticks), (15 pieces). Then return to the Blacksmith.

Your goal: Show the Mirror to Elendiyar the Keeper.

Your goal: Report to Emir Vazilur on what you've done.

20:54 Achievement accomplished "First shard found!"
20:54 Received: First shard of the Mirror of True Essence 1 pcs. Removed: Restored Mirror of True Essence 1 pcs.


20:59 Achievement accomplished "Mirror, Mirror"
20:59 Achievement accomplished "The Caliph is proud of me!"
Human Head Mentor

If you need Mentor's assistance please check here

This post has been edited 12 times, last edit by "-Lilah-" (Jan 23rd 2024, 10:15pm)


Friday, January 19th 2024, 9:15pm

Mystras Main Quests Part 4/4

4. Tempering the Genie Way

NPC: Assaf the Blacksmith (Mystras)
Your goal: Assaf the Blacksmith wants you to gain mastery of Genie Tempering.

For this, you need to:

- Get A Touch of Datkhar 3 pcs from monsters inhabiting genie lands
- Power up the item with the energy received
- Use the forge next to the Smith in the city of Mystras
- Once you’ve done all that, talk to the Blacksmith

First of all we need to kill some monsters on the Genies lands.

21:08 You have collected A Touch of Datkhar. Total received: 1 of 3.
21:10 You have collected A Touch of Datkhar. Total received: 2 of 3.
21:11 You have collected the required amount of Datkhar Energy.
Go to the Backpack menu and use A Touch of Datkhar. Select Crude Knife of the Genies from the drop-down list and click "Run".
Next, use the Forge and take the enhanced blade to the blacksmith.

Go to your Backpack > Misc > Category: Lands of the Genies (below gifts) - and use a Touch of Dathkar.

In the pop-up window select "Crude Knife of the Genies 0/0"

21:17 The Crude Knife of the Genies was filled with 33% datkhar energy. (10 из 30)

Do it 3 times, then go to the Forge, select the knife and press "Forge".

21:19 Tempering was successful, you received Crude Knife of the Genies +1

Now return to Assaf the Blacksmith.

Your goal: Assaf the Blacksmith wants you to temper cleaver .
To do this, you need to:
- Collect 100 Ordinary Alva in Hunting mode and sift through them in search of Mo-Datkhar of Ordinary Alva
- Get A Touch of Datkhar(5 pcs) from monsters inhabiting genie lands
- Power up the item with the energy received
- Use the forge next to the Smith in the city of Mystras.
- To increase the chances of successful tempering, use Mo-Datkhar of Ordinary Alva. To do this, move the item to a free slot during tempering
- After you’re done, talk to the Smith.

1. While in the Mystras City go to hunt mode and start collecting Alva (works like gathering resources).
Each time you will reveive 20 pcs. of Ordinary Alva (That means we need to click on them 5 times).
2. Now go to your Backpack (Misc tab) and scroll to the "Lands of the Genies" section. Use Alva.

21:28 By picking the magical essence from each flower, you've managed to obtain the catalyst.
Received: Mo-Datkhar of Ordinary Alva [b]1 pcs.[/b]

3. Now again we need to kill 5 Mystras monsters (any of them, to get A Touch of Datkhar again).

21:35 You have collected the required amount of Datkhar Energy.

After collecting 5 pcs. of Touch of Darkhar go to your backpack (Misc tab again) and use the Touch of Darkhar while selecting Crude Knife of the Genies +1 (0/0). (Do it 5 times).

21:38 Item Crude Knife of the Genies +1 can now be tempered.

Now the last step is to go to the Forge in the Mystras City, combining the enhanced Crude Knife of the Genies +1 with Mo-Datkhar of Ordinary Alva.

After forging them you will receive: Crude Knife of the Genies +2

Now talk to Assaf the Blacksmith again.


- Access to the forge
- Access to the Work Tools quest
- Access to Side Quests
- Access to Daily Quests
- Access to Weekly Reward
Human Head Mentor

If you need Mentor's assistance please check here

This post has been edited 5 times, last edit by "-Lilah-" (Jan 23rd 2024, 10:15pm)


Friday, January 19th 2024, 10:01pm

Quest: Escape from Necropolis

Quest: Escape from Necropolis

NPC: Caliph Valikhara (Mystras)

Your goal: Go to see Old Fattar and ask him for the Mushroom of Visions

NPC: Old Fattar (Dindaat Forest)
Your goal: Prepare Great Elixir of Life (300pcs.) and Alva the Well-behaved (5pcs.) then use the Spores in your backpack (Quests tab).

After obtaining the Mushroom from Old Fattar, visit the Necromancer.

NPC: Necromancer (Vassals' Tombs)
Your goal: By killing the monsters of your level, get Astral Stones 6 pcs. Then go back to the Necromancer.
Your goal: Go to Gredeya the Witch and ask for help.

NPC: Gredeya the Witch (Wild Forest)

Your goal: Go to Gloum the Swindler and ask him for the candles for the ritual.

NPC: Gloum the Swindler (Barrow of Sadness)
You will have to pay 1 to the Swindler.

Your goal: Go to Sheara and ask for her Blood

NPC: Sheara (Spectral Expanse)

Your goal: Return to Gredeya the Witch.

Your goal: Return to the Lord Caliph in the city of Mystras and talk about the ritual.

Rewards: (20pcs.)

Human Head Mentor

If you need Mentor's assistance please check here

This post has been edited 9 times, last edit by "-Lilah-" (Jan 20th 2024, 6:20am)


Friday, January 19th 2024, 10:23pm

Quest: The Emir's Personal Favor

Quest: The Emir's Personal Favor
NPC: Emir Vazilur (Ashduur Cove)

Your goal: Go to Sweet Mila and ask her for some puppies.

NPC: Sweet Mila (Village of Kingala)

Your goal: Go to Stavros the Smith and ask him to craft a cage .

NPC: Stavros the Smith (Luan Coast)

Your goal: Get 40 pcs. of Bubbly Metal , 6 pcs. of Ragtikron Leather and 8 pcs. of wood . Then return to Stavros the Smith.

You can get the wood from killing a Young Arboris [4].
22:31 Received: Fragment of Young Arboris 1 pcs.

After doing so return to Stavros.

Your goal: Go to Gredeya the Witch and ask her for the potion .

NPC: Gredeya the Witch (Wild Forest)

Your goal: Bring Gurraldiy Korr Slime (1pc.) and Fireflowers (50pcs.) to Gredeya the Witch.

Your goal: Ask Voluptuous Mary for foodstuffs for the cubs.

NPC: Voluptuous Mary (Mary's Tavern)

The cost for the food will be 3.

Your goal: Get5 fresh fish and return to Sweet Mila.

Your goal: Deliver the cage to Keeper Elendiyar.

Your goal: Return to Emir Vazilur.

Rewards: (20pcs.)(3pcs.)
Human Head Mentor

If you need Mentor's assistance please check here

This post has been edited 9 times, last edit by "-Lilah-" (Jan 20th 2024, 5:16am)


Friday, January 19th 2024, 11:20pm

Quest: Time Heals

Quest: Time Heals
NPC: Emir Vazilur (Ashduur Cove)

Your goal: Talk to Keeper Elendiyar.

NPC: Elendiyar the Keeper (Mystras)

Your goal: Talk to Gredeya the Witch.

NPC: Gredeya the Witch (Wild Forest)

Your goal: Go to Pandrik the Wise and show him the notes .

NPC: Pandrick the Wise (Light's Edge)

Your goal: Go to Plateau of Silence and look for glasses there. Then show them to Esmeril the Jeweller.

23:12 Received: Book of the Wandering Healer 1 pcs.

Once you arrive at the Plateau of Silence you have to wait for the cooldown for changing locations to run out, then click on the ruins on the very left (Hovering on it will display text: Look for the glasses)

23:16 Rummaging among the ruins, you're surprised to find some strange glasses. Alas, the lenses are cracked! But maybe a jeweler might fix them up?
23:16 Received: Broken Sorcerer’s Glasses 1 pcs.

Now head to Esmeril the Jeweller.

NPC: Esmeril the Jeweller (Guild of Artisans)

Your goal: Bring 200 Marvelous Glasses and 4 Reflection Gems to Esmeril the Jeweller.

Your goal: Show the Glasses to Gredeya the Witch.

Your goal: Bring Gredeya Great Elixir of Giant (100pcs.), Great Elixirs of Life (100pcs.), Great Elixirs of Power (100pcs.) and a Codex: Life Force (1pc).

Your goal: Go back to Emir Vazilur in Ashduur Cove.

Your goal: Bring the recipe to Elendiyar the Keeper.

Your goal: Take the gift to Gredeya the Witch.

Rewards: Medium Essence of Experience 3 pcs, Djinnar 20 pcs, Alva sherbet 1 pcs, Lotus Tea 1 pcs.

02:23 Achievement accomplished "The clock is ticking!"
Human Head Mentor

If you need Mentor's assistance please check here

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "-Lilah-" (Feb 6th 2024, 2:23am)


Friday, January 19th 2024, 11:43pm

Quest: The Dragon's Eye Ring

Quest: The Dragon's Eye Ring
NPC: Elendiyar the Keeper (Mystras)

Your goal: Ask Pandrik the Wise about the Dragon's Eye stone.

NPC: Pandrick the Wise (Light's Edge)

Your goal: Go to see Gloum the Swindler and ask him.

NPC: Gloum the Swindler (Barrow of Sadness)

Here you have to choose whether you want to pay for the gem with 50 or 300 Thalers
Your goal: Go to Esmeril the Jeweller and ask for a ring to be crafted.

NPC: Esmeril the Jeweller (Guild of Artisans)

Your goal: Return to Keeper Elendiyar.

Human Head Mentor

If you need Mentor's assistance please check here

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "-Lilah-" (Jan 20th 2024, 12:20am)


Saturday, January 20th 2024, 12:01am

Quest: Images of a Fortunate Past

Quest: Images of a Fortunate Past
NPC: Mysterious Bizkhuf (Mystras)

Your goal: Go to Squire Voldemar and question him about the painting of genies.

NPC: Squire Voldemar (Paradise Corner)
Your goal: Go to Gloum the Swindler and question him about the painting .

NPC: Gloum the Swindler (Barrow of Sadness)

Your goal: Deliver the thief’s notes to the addressees. Go to Samary the Antiquarian.

NPC: Samary the Antiquarian (Outskirts of Klesva)

Your goal: Go to I-Vidi the Demonologist.
NPC: I-Vidi the Demonologist (Grand Fort Suburbs)
Your goal: Go to Marietta the Merry.

NPC: Marietta the Merry (Paradise Corner)

Your goal: Go to the Squire Voldemar.

Your goal: Go to the Necromancer.

NPC: Necromancer (Vassals' Tombs)

Your goal: Return to Gloum the Swindler.

Your goal: Go to I-Vidi the Demonologist.

Your goal: Exotic gems from the mountain of Mystras should melt the demonologist’s heart. Get 5 gems and ask Esmeril the Jeweller to help create a necklace.
NPC: Esmeril the Jeweller (Guild of Artisans)

Your goal: Offer the necklace to I-Vidi the Demonologist.

Your goal: Take the painting to Bizkhuf in the city of Mystras.

Rewards: (5 pcs.)
Human Head Mentor

If you need Mentor's assistance please check here

This post has been edited 6 times, last edit by "-Lilah-" (Jan 20th 2024, 5:07am)

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