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Sunday, March 3rd 2024, 1:35pm

Estate Change on Browser

I've noticed when using a browser to play the game the estate buildings have the option to upgrade with the full amount of riolite needed. But you are still unable to use energy pots to go over your daily allowance.

For instance, my town hall has a sliding scale up to 7400 energy but I can only go to 233 currently.
I've checked all buildings & they all have their FULL build cost in the sliding scale, not my maximum energy bar of 233.

So my question is, what is the point of this change?
is it going to be updated so we can finally overfill our bar with energy pots to build much quicker & buy riolite in bigger quantities?
why is this only on browser? (HTML is my guess)



Tuesday, March 19th 2024, 2:14pm

ok - so I'll answer my own question.

Apparently now you can go over your energy bar.

Would have been nice to have been told about this HUGE QOL update :wall:

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