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Saturday, March 19th 2011, 10:53pm

Crystals of kraze ayred

How insightful you are, warrior, and accommodating! That's good, I don't have to waste time convincing you... Getting back to the crystals!They should be obtained in a special way: you need to kill a Gordt Bandit [7] , and then, with the help of the scrolls that I will give you, you should crystallize his essence. If y go hunting for small crystals, then it will be enough for you to kill one monster per crystal. To obtain large crystals you will need a more complicated scroll, because you will only be able tomake one of these crystals by defeating 3 monsters. You are going for the Gordts, so you pick the scroll.

i think it should be you
I wanna kick your teeth in:devil:


Monday, March 21st 2011, 5:41pm

Corrected, thanks. : smile.