Important things to know
This is not a guide telling you how to play the game or a strategy guide, but some information about what you should really know about the game that most new players don't figure out until they are a higher level.
by Zebedee
- There are players with an orange M symbol by their names, they are Mentors, you can ask anything that you don't know about the game or can't figure out.
- Guards are a special clan of players who are entrusted to serve other players by ensuring the game rules are kept. You can tell them by their clan symbol of a man with a pointy beard. Their clan link is:
- The chat rules are strictly kept by the Moderating Guards and the Mentors. If you break them, you can expect to be gagged from anything from 1 minute for a mild infringement to 90 days for a recurring very serious chat offence.
- If you spot anyone else breaking the chat rules, for example if someone insults you or swears at you in private chat, then if you right-click on the time-stamp of the offending message, then all the Guards and Mentors online can see the message and if necessary give a verbal warning or gag the offending player.
- The game is potentially free to play, but to make a strong character without paying real money, you need to have much patience and be prepared to spend much longer at every stage than friends who might after a few months be several levels ahead of you. Paying for the game involves buying diamonds through various payment schemes such as credit cards or PayPal, which can be traded for the game currency, Gold.
- You will find the game is much more complex and sophisticated than you first think it is. It is an excellent idea to take a character through the early levels, to level 5 or 6, without investing too much, if any, real money in the game, to give yourself a good idea how you would like your 'ideal' character to develop. Then start again from scratch with a new character, investing money in it according to your wishes and budget.
- This is a war game, and sometimes it can seem a bit tough. You might be attacked and killed by players of the opposing race, or even your own race. You might receive hexes or attacks by monsters summoned by players of either race who are stronger than you. There is no point complaining if this happens to you; as long as they use game mechanisms to attack you, and are not verbally insulting you, then it is all legal game play. Just store their names for when you are stronger, or for when you make strong friends.
- It is bad etiquette in the game to join other people's fights without being invited, or without asking first. If you join a fight by accident, saying sorry and staying in blocked mode to try and avoid taking the loot will avoid bad feeling. On the other hand, if you want to create a character who steals loot whenever possible and annoys other players, that's perfectly legal - but expect a life of injuries, hexes, broken armour and bags and not many people willing to help you out when you need it!
- Injuries are expensive to heal, and healers only make a tiny margin, if anything at all, on the charges they make. They also invested a huge amount of gold to get to L2/3 or more of their profession. Never expect, or ask for, free heals, and don't ask for blessings either as they are not free to give and it looks low to more experienced players. If you get blessed or healed by a healer for free, a thank you is always appreciated.
by Zebedee
The information here is good, however point 2 regarding Multis or Alts no longer matches the rules.
Walk softly and carry a big stick.