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Wednesday, April 27th 2011, 12:55pm

Tallars Today[8]

I want to know about the client glitch am having,

I got killed by time out X 4

Doing ZERO damage, due to lag. after i get resurrected i joined the fight and got killed again. This is the worst tallar i had.

I think something is wrong with my client.

Please someone give me tip to improve connection quality, my connection quality always is terrible, when i stun opponent i barely hit 2 shots.


Wednesday, April 27th 2011, 1:02pm

well its not only battle field but also instances like DH, i got killed 7 times in DH breaking my belts


Wednesday, April 27th 2011, 1:05pm

I will forward your issue to our development department. It those cases its always best to write to :rose: