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Wednesday, June 1st 2011, 9:27pm

Current Level: 2
Play Time: weekdays - 17:00-23:30
Service: Heal free with scroll provided. Heal lvl 2 wounds at 6s or 1skull/4 hrs.


Wednesday, June 1st 2011, 9:37pm

Current Level: 5
Play Time: 0900-2100 Monday-Sunday with breaks around 1100 and 1500 and some days work has to be done in RL
Service: I heal lvl3-5 wounds for scroll cost, if you can bring the scrolls it is apriciated but i try to keep a few on me at all times.


Sunday, June 5th 2011, 1:48am

Current Level: 2
Play Time: Mostly every day 16:00 - 03:00
Service: Free ~ lvl 1 (if in stock)/ 5s ~ lvl 2 (if in stock)
BoV: Darshana ~ Free
Buy the Ticket; Take the Ride
:yes: Visit our Mentor Website:


Sunday, June 5th 2011, 4:07pm

Current lvl1
play time most days 18.00 - 23.00
service any level 1 injury and splinters
Ride hard, Ride long and most importantly enjoy the experience


Friday, June 10th 2011, 3:32am

Current Level 1
Usually online between 17:00 and 3:00 every day
Always have scrolls with me - free service


Friday, June 10th 2011, 9:41pm

current level 6 (soon 7) playing everyday 20:00-00:00 somethimes 5:00 - 15:00(not weekend)
got some stock, no additional charge
In The Name of Ctrl and Alt and a Holy Delete ... Enter


Sunday, July 24th 2011, 12:47am

Level 2
4h for 6s 8h 12s or skull
Not online between 00.00 and 07.00 usually :)
It is hard for someone to be scary after you have flicked them in the eye.


Monday, October 24th 2011, 6:20am

Current Level: 3
Play Time: Monday - Friday 0800 - 1300 Saturday + Sunday 24/7
Services: Free if you provide scrolls. or scroll cost
People are like slinkies, Totally Useless. but they put a smile on your face when you push them down stairs


Wednesday, January 18th 2012, 4:03pm

Level 1 healer I am on when I'm on and when I'm not I get killed. lol


Monday, January 23rd 2012, 3:20am

Current Level: 4
Play Time: Monday - Friday 17:00 - 03:00 Saturday + Sunday 24/7
Services: Free if you provide scrolls. or scroll cost


Saturday, March 17th 2012, 8:45pm

Current Level: 3
Play Time:20:00 - 00:00 most days.
Services: Will heal lvl 1+2 wounds free. Lvl 3 wounds per cost of scroll used (15s) or 1 Boe skull per scroll used.
Remember it's only a Game. So enjoy it. Real life will intrude soon enough.


Sunday, April 15th 2012, 9:37pm

Current Level: 1
Play Time: 00:00 - 6:00
Service: Will heal for free! PRV me for info and i'm looking for someone to help me lvl up!


Thursday, June 28th 2012, 11:04am

No longer healer.


Tuesday, October 23rd 2012, 11:30pm

Now healing up to Level 10 injuries.

*** Healing Services charged at scroll price ***
Level 2 - 4hrs @ 8s
Level 3 - 6hrs @ 15s
Level 4 - 8hrs @ 37s
Level 5 - 10hrs @ 50s
Level 6 - 12hrs @ 65s
Level 7 - 14hrs @ 80s
Level 8 - 16hrs @ 1g
Level 9 - 18hrs @ 1.2g
Level 10 - 18hrs @ 1.45g


Thursday, December 6th 2012, 6:13am

current level 6

:P :D may need to bring scroll but service is free.carry scroll when i can.

Posts: 249

Location: chennai,tamil nadu,india

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Friday, December 14th 2012, 8:51pm

Level 1 .. free anytime if i'm on
"let's make the day urs and the night ours" :love:


Wednesday, April 24th 2013, 12:45pm

I can now heal level 9 magic injuries as well as any non magic injury with your scrolls pm me

Posts: 26

Location: For the time being, Buffalo,NY USA

Occupation: PC Repair

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Sunday, July 13th 2014, 5:18pm


Current Level 6

I am just about to level 7, about 100 points away, my game times vary. I in general randomly heal levels 1, 2,& 3, when I am out and about. I would prefer players to bring me scrolls of injury scroll 4 and up for me to heal them, or if possible send me the funds to acquire the scrolls needed to heal them. These things are not cheap every little bitofhelp along the way is deeply grateful.

A Healer who has attained great success in their profession will always be a welcome guest in any part of Faeo ! No matter what their healer levelis at the time ! :beer: :beer: :beer:
There is always room for Noodles!