Warrior! What makes you so disheartened? And that on the eve of the nicest holiday! You should beam with joy like a golden coin just made! Because the most important thing for a successful celebration of Christmas is boundless and true joy that you give to those who are around you! We all have to share our joy, because like that we will add to it each minute and fill the whole world with it! But I don't just want to speak hollow words, I will give you right now a piece of my joy and you have to give them yourself to other inhabitants
pf :ninza:
the world. When you have made that, come back to me and I am sure you will look completely different and also feel completely different!
Warrior! What makes you so disheartened? And that on the eve of the nicest holiday! You should beam with joy like a golden coin just made! Because the most important thing for a successful celebration of Christmas is boundless and true joy that you give to those who are around you! We all have to share our joy, because like that we will add to it each minute and fill the whole world with it! But I don't just want to speak hollow words, I will give you right now a piece of my joy and you have to give them yourself to other inhabitants pf the world. When you have made that, come back to me and I am sure you will look completely different and also feel completely different!