i wish to know how this is possible? i was attacked by a lv15 human guard that usally dont give injurys and if they do no higher then lv2 i was killed getting no injury but then just secounds later befor i had even reserected it said i had lost a fight....that i was clearly not fighting being already dead but it gave me a lv7 wound for over day...i wasnt even in a fight ...id like the injury taken back and if u dont repond untill its gone ...some sort of compensation for the time i spend unable to do pretty much anything!! :angry: :devil:
03:44 The battle "Attack on Poison_Fang[href=]" has begun.
03:44 The battle "Attack on Poison_Fang[href=]" has ended.
03:45 info: Ignore messages from 'info' by right-clicking 'info' and selecting 'ignore'.
03:45 The battle "Attack on Poison_Fang[href=]" has ended.
03:45 You have sustained a Thighs injury.