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Saturday, June 9th 2012, 5:32am

Bring Schiko 1 Zombiekopf, 1 Alraunenpräparat, 10 Saphirstaub und 10 violette magische Tinte.

Bring Schiko 1 Zombiekopf, 1 Alraunenpräparat, 10 Saphirstaub und 10 violette magische Tinte.

Looks German to me, not sure.


Wednesday, June 13th 2012, 9:12am

Tell you what, click on everything, you`ll see what it really is.
And for your help its 1 Head of Hasdurs servant, 1 Collected Madragora, 10 Sapphire Dust, and 10 Violet Ink