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Sunday, February 24th 2013, 7:59pm

With this small part of the picture Chess-Сlan Wars will better)!…&type=1&theater


Sunday, February 24th 2013, 11:58pm

In the War of Dragons, lengthy blood battles between Magmars and Humans rage forth. Brave warriors fight to the end... earning respect, power, honor, and victory. As Magmars fight for Khair and Humans for Ogriy, clan wars burst out throughout the lands, proving their strength and sieging castles. This picture represents WOD with a mighty dragon centered and a fierce battle below. Look closely and you will even find a Cerrador and Demonic Shankar! For the clan wars I chose Alpha to represent Magmars, and the Darkside to represent humans, in which these clans continue to battle to earn victory and power.!/p…&type=1&theater


Monday, February 25th 2013, 3:01pm


:woody: :woody: :woody:

 Koir [12] 

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Tuesday, February 26th 2013, 5:31pm

The winners will be announced on Friday. :rose:


Friday, March 1st 2013, 11:43am

Hello Warriors!

Today I am proud to announce the winners of our Draw Contest:

1. Sacred-Angel

2. -bordi-

3. Koir

Our special Community Prize (a War of Dragons T-Shirt) goes to Artemisia for her great picture. (Please contact me in game).

Thank you all for joining this competition.
You all did a great work and we really enjoyed all your talent in arts. :rose:

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Friday, March 1st 2013, 1:34pm

wow i really didnt know "copy and paste" in russia translate draw event? clearly i read this wrong..anyway congrats to winners

wont compete again in something like this, 16 hours drawing something doesnt compare to 15 min copy and paste

what is the definition of insanity? :glance:


Friday, March 1st 2013, 5:18pm

wow i really didnt know "copy and paste" in russia translate draw event? clearly i read this wrong..anyway congrats to winners

wont compete again in something like this, 16 hours drawing something doesnt compare to 15 min copy and paste


wont compete again in something like this, 16 hours drawing something doesnt compare to 15 min copy and paste

wow i really didnt know "copy and paste" in russia translate draw event? clearly i read this wrong..anyway congrats to winners

wont compete again in something like this, 16 hours drawing something doesnt compare to 15 min copy and paste



Problem being draw and photoshop event. I use both photoshop and pencil and I didn't see ONE photoshop montage worth praise during the competition. This probably sounds like I'm butthurt or whatever but I don't care, seriously? No disrespect to winners but how can a game screenshot with stuff pasted on it win over that awesome drawing by Artemisia? Or for that matter how can a black and white drawing that looks unfinished (again no offense to Sacred-Angel but c'mon, it looks like an unfinished sketch) win over colored entries like Artemisia's, Battleking69's or mine?

Goes to show how this contest (and game for that matter) is about those who have more friends to help them win stuff. Next time instead of actually coming up with a concept, drawing and coloring something I'll just take a screenshot of CS, cut out chat window and profit. .well:

It is a MOCKERY. Artemisia's drawing should have been first place. I know the rules were picture with most likes wins but so what? What about the quality? Screw it then, let's make it a popularity contest because obviously it wasn't about talent. Artemisia wasn't popular enough so only got 7 likes in her pic.

Anyways, congrats to Yvil for at least having the brain to include the best pic in contest. :rose:


Friday, March 1st 2013, 5:59pm

lol yeah no offense but ARTEMISIA SHOULD HAVE WON it got my draw dropped for literally about 3 secs lol next time dont add "the picture with the most likes win" its unfair they tell all their friends to "oh please like my picture so i can win" blah blah next time only admins decide who wins to give better chance


Friday, March 1st 2013, 6:11pm


Enough said.


Friday, March 1st 2013, 9:30pm

Thanks for the compliments :)


Saturday, March 2nd 2013, 6:40am

There is no doubt Artemisia had amazing artwork, I enjoyed her awesome talent, but i do not see how the picture revolved around "Clan Wars" which was supposed to be the main topic for the drawing. I could have colored in my picture, but it took a lot of work to include all the small details and i wanted to ensure my drawing was submitted in time. Although some might not like it, I am proud to say that nothing was copied or pasted, and everything was hand drawn.
Thank you all for your opinions

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Saturday, March 2nd 2013, 9:46am

sacred angel yours is really awesome i agree. well done and congrats on winning
what is the definition of insanity? :glance:


Saturday, March 2nd 2013, 10:39am


You make rules and after you ignore them!

You said no pictures from internet are allowed and you choose one for 2nd place..

Well done this time.. :stupid: :puke:

Congratz to the others - Nice pictures, especially happy for Koir and her win :clap:
:angel: Choose me for your Consecrator :kiss2:


Monday, March 4th 2013, 12:17pm

By no picture from the internet I actually meant, just dont look up a picture online and post it. I never said you cant use one and rebuilt it or use it for your picture. If I remember correct, that was what you even asked me in chat.

About the contest:

Its really hard to make it right. :dragon: Do I let you choose, its unfair, do I choose I have a bad taste. :smile: However, I will get the beating. :rabbit:


Monday, March 4th 2013, 3:13pm

No, you actually said used pictures from internet will not be accepted, you didn't say anything else about that which means no pictures from internet will be accepted.
I'm accepting my lost due as it seems I don't have enough "friends" to like it. However, there was more bettter who could actually win... .well:
:angel: Choose me for your Consecrator :kiss2:


Saturday, March 9th 2013, 5:13am

It doesn't take much taste to find out that this and Chrome Dome's drawing include much more skill than anything else submitted…121159941_n.jpg

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Sunday, April 7th 2013, 8:39am

Yvil, like i said in previous post that i posted, i dont wana complain the whole time, but common its the little things that counts and people appreciate it. have we ever received our purple gifts and promised on page 1? ?(
what is the definition of insanity? :glance:

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