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  • "SilentWater" started this thread

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Thursday, April 10th 2014, 9:31pm

Reduce your EE Prices in Applications!

And you will be supremely awesome like this photo.

  • "SilentWater" started this thread

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Thursday, April 10th 2014, 9:35pm

Also, Double Dragon 2! Because forkyeah!!

  • "SilentWater" started this thread

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Sunday, April 13th 2014, 11:21am


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Sunday, April 13th 2014, 1:59pm

Some people are so greedy that they would rather list their eyes over and over and lose money on AH taxes than come down on price. On our side of the pond there are always people who would rather pay double the price for eyes as long as those people keep doing it then others will keep listing eyes at crazy prices :(
I'm not crazy, I swear!:ogo:


Sunday, April 13th 2014, 3:39pm

Something has to be done, it's getting crazy now :wall:

  • "SilentWater" started this thread

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Sunday, April 13th 2014, 3:48pm

Kenny, that's the trouble this side as well mate. Within a month, even the Exchange prices have gone up from 1.50 to 1.85 now. I don't get this. When people were willing to sell for 1.50g, then why did the need surface to out-bid the prices on eyes. There are enough players now and enough hunters (Naked and otherwise) to keep the supply high.

On topic, I give a shout out to all our fellow mag players, to please err on the side of prudence, and reduce those prices. Let's not be greedy and not feed the greed of others by buying overpriced lots or selling to high exchange rates. There is enough eyes these days as far as I see.


Sunday, April 13th 2014, 5:37pm

Human Land
Auction Price: 1g 80s bid- 2g buyout (someone is bidding on it)
Exchange Price: 1g 85s for 298 EEs(one player's exchange), there are several other exchange requests giving out 1g 80s+. :puke:

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Sunday, April 13th 2014, 7:09pm

to give u a small insight... ee and skull prices on .com were the lowest price any server i knew had already :) so many people from foreihn servers got their badges with ee price close to 2g a piece... so good luck to everyone now :) i was expecting this
Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.


Sunday, April 13th 2014, 8:26pm

Another problem is the lowering of the diamond rate without any fleecing event (chest, fair, bandit etc) to mop up the excess diamonds. A diamond now is worth 50% of what it used to. To someone who paypals 2g for EE now, it is equivalent to spending 1g before the lowering.

I never thought i would miss our fleecing events being spammed..... but we need them now :(