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How are the bosses called in the Exiles fortress?
Weekly knowledge test: 21-11- 04-12-2014
How are the bosses called in the Exiles fortress? What are the best methods to kill them successfully? Choose at least one boss in fortress and tell us your strategy to kill him.
Post your answers here.
For all who do not know the game yet some simple rules:
Good game and good luck for all!
How are the bosses called in the Exiles fortress? What are the best methods to kill them successfully? Choose at least one boss in fortress and tell us your strategy to kill him.
Post your answers here.
For all who do not know the game yet some simple rules:
- Every week (Friday morning) we publish one question to our game:
Legend. Legacy of the Dragons. - From all correct answers up to 10 participants will win one promotional game code each.
- The most detailed or unique answers have the biggest chance to win.
- Copy and paste-answers will NOT be considered. Same goes for trolling or spamming or inadequate language.
- Personal attacks on other players in your answers/posts as well will NOT be accepted.
- Answer must be in English. You can answer in your mothertongue only if you post understandable translation in English in same post as your answer.
- The winners will be chosen by a mixed team of magmars and humans. The decision will be final.
- The winners will be displayed after the draw in the same poste.
- Codes will be sent via private messages in the forum or per post ingame.
Good game and good luck for all!

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Aixlinn" (Dec 12th 2014, 9:33am)
Boss killing stuff things
Boss things in the fortress thing are killed mainly when their hit points arrive at zero... although people have many different methods for killing this thingy-ma-jigies I have never heard of a strat as effective as the zero hp strategy...this remains the only sure way to make them dead
There are really countless strategies for killing the bosses in the Exiles fortress. Some of the less popular ones involve unblocking and throwing retribution powder on the bosses. Additionally, one of the least popular methods involves everyone loading up on poisons and just ticking the bosses down slowly. However, like Moxie stated, the most common method involves reducing their HP to 0. This can be done in many different ways, but the tried and true method involve attacking them repeatedly.
Exiles Fortress
As i wasnt able to enter it yet which make describing my own experiece quite hard, I can only list bosses which can be fought here:
About strategy, i can only agree with guide from Moxie which is really great one
As i wasnt able to enter it yet which make describing my own experiece quite hard, I can only list bosses which can be fought here:
- Visier Mage Kofur
- Fire Dragon Mage Lafrid
- Air Dragon Mage Seivorid
- Earth Dragon Mage Terrenus
- Dragon Mage Harvadus
About strategy, i can only agree with guide from Moxie which is really great one

Destroying one of the great magicians inhabitants Fortress, you will receive a key that can open any caches and take possession of its contents, or unlock the door to the next room Fortress.
Silent chamber – inside you will find items from green sets 11-15.
Ringing chamber – inside you will find blue jewellery 13-15.
From bosses you can get: Rosewood, Golden, Dugrkharg Ivory, Emerald or Eldoril Chess Pieces.
Dragon-Slayer Orb - this is the key weapon against dragon mages. It deprives them of their magical powers.
The Dragon-Slayer Orb is available from level 11 in Rarities' Shop in Mentor and in Wolf Wasteland in Roadside Store.
- Up to 100 orbs fit in each pocket.
- Can be used against any opponent.
- Use does not waste moves.
Way to kill Lafrid, second boss:
Second barriers:
Don't get life go under 600hp. Orbs - optional.
2nd boss:
Gig, spirit, atshi 2 slot mana, orbs , someone from the team - Counterspell withdraw the appeal with the Dragon. Very, very much poison, just hanging clusters.
Silent chamber – inside you will find items from green sets 11-15.
Ringing chamber – inside you will find blue jewellery 13-15.
From bosses you can get: Rosewood, Golden, Dugrkharg Ivory, Emerald or Eldoril Chess Pieces.
Dragon-Slayer Orb - this is the key weapon against dragon mages. It deprives them of their magical powers.
The Dragon-Slayer Orb is available from level 11 in Rarities' Shop in Mentor and in Wolf Wasteland in Roadside Store.
- Up to 100 orbs fit in each pocket.
- Can be used against any opponent.
- Use does not waste moves.
Way to kill Lafrid, second boss:
Second barriers:
Don't get life go under 600hp. Orbs - optional.
2nd boss:
Gig, spirit, atshi 2 slot mana, orbs , someone from the team - Counterspell withdraw the appeal with the Dragon. Very, very much poison, just hanging clusters.
Magmar Consecrator

Ok. Let's do it. I try to explain how you can do and kill Boss lv 11-12 (Visier Mage Kofur lv 11, Fire Dragon Mage Lafrid lv 12) in the Exiles Fortress. Beter do all fortress in HW complect bc beter way stall and poisoning. For Kofur fight, if you HW (Gigant, spirit, anger, 2 slot dispersal, 2 slot mana scroll, rest hp scroll) you can try in BC or Dodger set too. We start the fight: Poisoning Kofur, when him die, poisoning mages (beter "Anger of the earth" cast) rest mobs (elementals) kill with fisical blows.
Same on Lafrid lv 12(second boss), only one slott must be with antimagic scroll. This scroll need for Lafrid's call.
That's it easy. But need time.
Same on Lafrid lv 12(second boss), only one slott must be with antimagic scroll. This scroll need for Lafrid's call.
That's it easy. But need time.

Ok. Let's do it. I try to explain how you can do and kill Boss lv 11-12 (Visier Mage Kofur lv 11, Fire Dragon Mage Lafrid lv 12) in the Exiles Fortress. Beter do all fortress in HW complect bc beter way stall and poisoning. For Kofur fight, if you HW (Gigant, spirit, anger, 2 slot dispersal, 2 slot mana scroll, rest hp scroll) you can try in BC or Dodger set too. We start the fight: Poisoning Kofur, when him die, poisoning mages (beter "Anger of the earth" cast) rest mobs (elementals) kill with fisical blows.
Same on Lafrid lv 12(second boss), only one slott must be with antimagic scroll. This scroll need for Lafrid's call.
That's it easy. But need time..
Forgot. You don't need orbs![]()
Exiles' Fortress
Recommended level: 11 and above
Visit length: up to 96 hours
Visit frequency: every 6.5 days
You can get into the abode of the treacherous mages from Barrow of Sadness and Eagles' Nest.
Bosses are:
Visier Mage Kofur [11] : Big B'yal Rune Key
Fire Dragon Mage Lafrid [12]: Big Gar Rune Key
Air Dragon Mage Seivorid [13]: Big Ing Rune Key
Earth Dragon Mage Terrenus [14]: Big Chud Rune Key
Dragon Mage Harvadus [15]: Big Teyas Rune Key
How to kill - Way to first boss:
The instance is very complex, requires the a full team. Behavior of magicians and monsters in an instance depends heavily on what tactics you choose. Do not attempt to defeat the monsters "brute force", no chance.
The greater the level of the team, the more elemental wizards and witches will be called.
First screens:
Giant, spirit, atshi, mana, Killed easily. Make sure that HP did not fall below 600-700.
First boss:
Giant, spirit, atshi, mana, - yes really no tactics no. Just poison a lot and cast.
Recommended level: 11 and above
Visit length: up to 96 hours
Visit frequency: every 6.5 days
You can get into the abode of the treacherous mages from Barrow of Sadness and Eagles' Nest.
Bosses are:
Visier Mage Kofur [11] : Big B'yal Rune Key
Fire Dragon Mage Lafrid [12]: Big Gar Rune Key
Air Dragon Mage Seivorid [13]: Big Ing Rune Key
Earth Dragon Mage Terrenus [14]: Big Chud Rune Key
Dragon Mage Harvadus [15]: Big Teyas Rune Key
How to kill - Way to first boss:
The instance is very complex, requires the a full team. Behavior of magicians and monsters in an instance depends heavily on what tactics you choose. Do not attempt to defeat the monsters "brute force", no chance.
The greater the level of the team, the more elemental wizards and witches will be called.
First screens:
Giant, spirit, atshi, mana, Killed easily. Make sure that HP did not fall below 600-700.
First boss:
Giant, spirit, atshi, mana, - yes really no tactics no. Just poison a lot and cast.

There are 5 bosses in the Exiles fortress
Kofur, Lafrid, Seivorid, Terrenus and Harvadus. You can kill up to 3 bosses in one fortress run but you can only get chess pieces from one. You have 4 days in total to complete the instance and 2 1/2 days break after that is closed before you can start another.
Kofur Guide
Two level 12 quests involve the Exile Fortress. This is a challenge to solo at level 12 but not impossible using the right strategy but it does require the full 10 slots and ideally a level 16 mount otherwise you are better off tagging along to someone who has or waiting until a later level. This strategy works best for HW's but still doable in other builds and it is not necassary to equip Dragon Orbs as the Varrangas do not use their 609 damage blow every hit but keep your HP above that just in case.
Door Guards to Kofur
Belt Setup
Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 2x Mana scroll, Charm dispersal (blue), uk/absolute heal scroll, 3x uk/absolute life pot.
At each door guard you will encounter to begin with 2x Disciples 3x Varrangas 4 elementals (2 of each kind of the element the disciples are connected with) Stall and poison the disciples one at a time starting with the Air/Fire then when that one is dead Light/Shadow followed by Water/Earth. They may summon more elementals depending how often you face them. A good strategy is to use your bow and shoot it with the True Arrow effect so your poison spells crit more often. The fights last approximately 15-20 minutes each on average. The Varrangas will do the 609 damage blow more frequently if there is anything mount or player more than one level higher than them so on the path to Kofur anything level 13 or higher the 609 spells will be unlimited instead of only once or twice so avoid summoning level 13 mounts at any point as the damage it can do wouldnt be worth the increase in 609's. If you have a level 16 mount use that after the disciples are dead stall and let the mount do the work during cleanup especially for non HW's. Titanic Endagar is the best mount for this if you have one.
Boss Fight
You may need to use buffs in this fight if you are fighting solo at level 12. It is reccomended you wear protection rings/amulets to help resist some of the spells.
Belt Setup
Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 3x Mana scroll, 2x Charm Dispersal (blue), 2x uk/absolute heal scrolls
This fight is harder than the door guards and will last longer. How long the fight will last depends a lot on luck with the disciples healing Kofur and each other. Kofur will summon 4 disciples and they will summon 2 elementals each like they did in the door guards. Use a Kia, Via and Dia ling (if you are able to get them) at the start one after the other in order to increase the number of elementals in the fight and burn up some of the disciples mana but you will need to manage your hp as you will have several spells on you then remove them with one dispersal.
Stall and keep poisoning Kofur as often as you can and shoot with True Arrow when you can to speed up his death as the disciples will sometimes heal him when you are facing them. Ignore the effect he puts on you and save your charm dispersals for the elemental spells the disciples put on you. Avoid killing any of the disciples before Kofur otherwise it will cause Kofurs Ghost go be summoned if you see Kofur again between the disciples dying and Kofur himself being killed. If this does happen which it has a couple of times for me when i have critted too hard in red BC gear then dont panic finish killing Kofur himself then work on stalling and poisoning the ghost before moving to the disciples. There is a good chance one or two disciples may already be low on life and if that is the case might be worth working on finishing them off before focusing on killing them in order of build the to prevent them from healing each other and themselves. When all 4 disciples are dead summon mount and clean up the remainder of the elementals
Alternative Strategy (Red chaos badge required)
Belt setup
Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 2x Mana scroll, 2x Charm Dispersal (blue), 3x uk/absolute heal scrolls
Summon Nia - lings to steal some of the disciples mana also there is a good chance you may have multiple 600 damage spells cast on you all at once at this point so manage your hp and then use the a dispersal to remove them all. When the nia lings are dead summon purple jackral to put a 'neckblow' effect (Doolb LiveVO spell) on Kofur and the disciples. Stall and poison Kofur and use the True arrow to increase crits and hopefully the jackral will also have put the neckblow effect on him as well. The neckblow effects will also drain the disciples hp as well so one advantage of that is they may turn to healing each other instead of healing Kofur but there is an increased risk of Kofurs Ghost being summoned if there are too many neckblows stacked on a single disciple. The jackral also thinks some of the mobs in the fight are blocking so it can gain hp back from that. When Kofur is dead turn to poisoning the disciples some may have the neckblow effect on and be nearly dead so work on them in order of how low their hp is. When the disciples are dead kill the remaining mobs to finish the fight.
Kofur, Lafrid, Seivorid, Terrenus and Harvadus. You can kill up to 3 bosses in one fortress run but you can only get chess pieces from one. You have 4 days in total to complete the instance and 2 1/2 days break after that is closed before you can start another.
Kofur Guide
Two level 12 quests involve the Exile Fortress. This is a challenge to solo at level 12 but not impossible using the right strategy but it does require the full 10 slots and ideally a level 16 mount otherwise you are better off tagging along to someone who has or waiting until a later level. This strategy works best for HW's but still doable in other builds and it is not necassary to equip Dragon Orbs as the Varrangas do not use their 609 damage blow every hit but keep your HP above that just in case.
Door Guards to Kofur
Belt Setup
Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 2x Mana scroll, Charm dispersal (blue), uk/absolute heal scroll, 3x uk/absolute life pot.
At each door guard you will encounter to begin with 2x Disciples 3x Varrangas 4 elementals (2 of each kind of the element the disciples are connected with) Stall and poison the disciples one at a time starting with the Air/Fire then when that one is dead Light/Shadow followed by Water/Earth. They may summon more elementals depending how often you face them. A good strategy is to use your bow and shoot it with the True Arrow effect so your poison spells crit more often. The fights last approximately 15-20 minutes each on average. The Varrangas will do the 609 damage blow more frequently if there is anything mount or player more than one level higher than them so on the path to Kofur anything level 13 or higher the 609 spells will be unlimited instead of only once or twice so avoid summoning level 13 mounts at any point as the damage it can do wouldnt be worth the increase in 609's. If you have a level 16 mount use that after the disciples are dead stall and let the mount do the work during cleanup especially for non HW's. Titanic Endagar is the best mount for this if you have one.
Boss Fight
You may need to use buffs in this fight if you are fighting solo at level 12. It is reccomended you wear protection rings/amulets to help resist some of the spells.
Belt Setup
Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 3x Mana scroll, 2x Charm Dispersal (blue), 2x uk/absolute heal scrolls
This fight is harder than the door guards and will last longer. How long the fight will last depends a lot on luck with the disciples healing Kofur and each other. Kofur will summon 4 disciples and they will summon 2 elementals each like they did in the door guards. Use a Kia, Via and Dia ling (if you are able to get them) at the start one after the other in order to increase the number of elementals in the fight and burn up some of the disciples mana but you will need to manage your hp as you will have several spells on you then remove them with one dispersal.
Stall and keep poisoning Kofur as often as you can and shoot with True Arrow when you can to speed up his death as the disciples will sometimes heal him when you are facing them. Ignore the effect he puts on you and save your charm dispersals for the elemental spells the disciples put on you. Avoid killing any of the disciples before Kofur otherwise it will cause Kofurs Ghost go be summoned if you see Kofur again between the disciples dying and Kofur himself being killed. If this does happen which it has a couple of times for me when i have critted too hard in red BC gear then dont panic finish killing Kofur himself then work on stalling and poisoning the ghost before moving to the disciples. There is a good chance one or two disciples may already be low on life and if that is the case might be worth working on finishing them off before focusing on killing them in order of build the to prevent them from healing each other and themselves. When all 4 disciples are dead summon mount and clean up the remainder of the elementals
Alternative Strategy (Red chaos badge required)
Belt setup
Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 2x Mana scroll, 2x Charm Dispersal (blue), 3x uk/absolute heal scrolls
Summon Nia - lings to steal some of the disciples mana also there is a good chance you may have multiple 600 damage spells cast on you all at once at this point so manage your hp and then use the a dispersal to remove them all. When the nia lings are dead summon purple jackral to put a 'neckblow' effect (Doolb LiveVO spell) on Kofur and the disciples. Stall and poison Kofur and use the True arrow to increase crits and hopefully the jackral will also have put the neckblow effect on him as well. The neckblow effects will also drain the disciples hp as well so one advantage of that is they may turn to healing each other instead of healing Kofur but there is an increased risk of Kofurs Ghost being summoned if there are too many neckblows stacked on a single disciple. The jackral also thinks some of the mobs in the fight are blocking so it can gain hp back from that. When Kofur is dead turn to poisoning the disciples some may have the neckblow effect on and be nearly dead so work on them in order of how low their hp is. When the disciples are dead kill the remaining mobs to finish the fight.
Exile Fortress instance is available from level 11.
As you can guess, it's only for mage levels. And the bosses are really hard to kill.
Not being at that level, I've never killed any, but there's one basic way to kill stuff and i'll outline one that I know. (This is only for 1 boss)
Apart from the belts, I would take the following with me --
1. War Mage amulet. These guys reflect magic back.
2. Every Ling available. Nia Ling if you can too.
3. Group of 5.
4. Wraiths.
5. More Wraiths.
I don't know if any boss has special properties like summoning helper if someone on your side dies etc. IF that is the case, do not use this strategy on any boss.
1. Attack the Boss. Poison it. Summon all your lings.
2. 35 lings per person = 1400 damage each amulet on average Multiply that by 5, should be good damage.
3. Stall till boss is poisoned and dead. Mop up the remains with level 16 mounts or Chaos mounts.
4. Enjoy a disappointing run where chess pieces drop will never justify the amount of money spent.
As you can guess, it's only for mage levels. And the bosses are really hard to kill.
Not being at that level, I've never killed any, but there's one basic way to kill stuff and i'll outline one that I know. (This is only for 1 boss)
Apart from the belts, I would take the following with me --
1. War Mage amulet. These guys reflect magic back.
2. Every Ling available. Nia Ling if you can too.
3. Group of 5.
4. Wraiths.
5. More Wraiths.
I don't know if any boss has special properties like summoning helper if someone on your side dies etc. IF that is the case, do not use this strategy on any boss.
1. Attack the Boss. Poison it. Summon all your lings.
2. 35 lings per person = 1400 damage each amulet on average Multiply that by 5, should be good damage.
3. Stall till boss is poisoned and dead. Mop up the remains with level 16 mounts or Chaos mounts.
4. Enjoy a disappointing run where chess pieces drop will never justify the amount of money spent.
I havent been in there. but i assume if you get lucky and your bloody Jakaral uses its debuff a few times the bosses will be essentually in a weakaned state. As the bosses would do 1 damage a hit.I dont know if affects spells thought.
Another option that might be viable is to use the other red badge Destroyers of chaos mount- The purple jakaral as it has an ability that is essentually the gargoyles s neck blow.And after that you stall like crazy.
But i dont know if that would work as i have never been in exiles fortress and i dont know if its possible to take all of the damage the bosses dish out.
Other way to beat the bosses is to drop a REALLY REALLY huge ammount of wraths.
All in all even thought i am lvl 11 i wouldnt go in alone for the first time.As i have no experience and will most likely get my butt handed to me.
Another option that might be viable is to use the other red badge Destroyers of chaos mount- The purple jakaral as it has an ability that is essentually the gargoyles s neck blow.And after that you stall like crazy.
But i dont know if that would work as i have never been in exiles fortress and i dont know if its possible to take all of the damage the bosses dish out.
Other way to beat the bosses is to drop a REALLY REALLY huge ammount of wraths.
All in all even thought i am lvl 11 i wouldnt go in alone for the first time.As i have no experience and will most likely get my butt handed to me.