FAQ about the Shadow
Alot of players have been asking about the new Shadow feature that came with the update .
So here are some of the Most commonly asked questions :
Q: received : Devastating filth curse , what is that ? How do i remove it
A: Congratulations , That curse is the key to getting your shadow quest done . Just follow the quest to remove it your first step is to speak to the necromanser
Q : How do i get the shadow
A : You don't , The shadow gets you . Well it is a random chance of getting the filth curse on you , So there is no quest to take or location to be in . You just have to sit there , play the game as normal and hope for your shadow to catch you .
Q : what level must I be to get the shadow ?
In order to , get a shadow a player must be lvl 7 and higher
what are the steps to get a shadow ?
1- After receiving a filth curse ( random chance to get ) head to the necromanser
2- visit the shadow in tomb of kings ( for mags ) or lady dawn ( for humans )
3- you will get a danger from the shadow / the lady , go to ur backpack - quest section - and use it
you will be attacked by your shadow
shadow's power is regulated to yours and your level too .
4- after defeating your shadow give the danger back to the shadow / lady dawn
5- go to backpack and click use on the unruly shadow you have
6- you will get to chat with your shadow ( text is in russian but is nothing very important )
7- you will get a free shadow - click use on it in quest section in your bag
Received: Own Shadow 1 pcs, Twilight Crystals 100 pcs, Dancing Shadows Mirror 1 pcs.
Q : What do i need this dancing shadow mirrorfor ?
A : Well this mirror is a way to get the filth curse off of you when you get it again , It is also a way to earn twilight crystals by removing that curse
Q : That is great and all but what will a shadow be of use to me ?
A : Your shadow can be a helpful allie , he has special powers wish can heal you - give you power - weaken your enemy and many more , kinda like a mount
Q: Speaking of mounts can i have a shadow and a mount in the same fight ?
A: Yes it is possible to have them bolth summoned in the same fight - how ever some particular places you may not be able to summon you shadow
Q : How do i summon my shadow to the fight
A: while in the fight screen right next to your health bar there will be a shadow icon click on it , The shadow is not summoned threw your battle sack . summoning a shadow requier having some [url='' [url']http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.php?artikul_id=23625[/url]']twilight crystals[/url] in your bag , consider them as mount feed but for your shadow . The shadow will use the same ammount as his level ie : if the shadow is a lvl 7 he will need 7 crystals to enter the battle
Q : Where do i get these [url='' [url']http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.php?artikul_id=23625[/url]']twilight crystals[/url] ?
A: You get these crystals when completing quests from your shadow , daily quests too , or you can buy them in the twilight shop ( At the shadow in tomb of kings or lady dawn's twilight shop )
Q : Can i controle my shadow ?
A : No , not really . you can desside what ability he can use but he has a free will and will use it at random , same as the pets
Q : Well how can i make my shadow stronger ?
A: As you level up and gather experience your shadow will grow too and earn experience and valor like you .
an other good way to give your shadow more power is to give him some armor , Shadows wear a special type of armor but has restrictions too same as our warrior armor is restricted by level - valor ie : A fighter ranked shadow of lvl 7 can not wear gladiator armor , nor can he wear lvl 8 boots
Note : A shadow can not surpass his master either ie : if you are gladiator lvl 8 your shadow can not get hero rank & lvl 9 . Same as a pet
Q : how can i increase my shadow's level ?
As you hunt and earn exp their is a bar of exp for the shadow that will get flled too , but unlike pets they will not level up once they fill it to the max , they require some twilight coins to let them level up and use that accumulated experience
And the same applies for valor
Q: These seem like rare coins , Where can i get them from ? I don't see them anywhere in the shop
A : These coins will be given to you as a reward for completing quests given to you by your shadow , daily shadow quests also when lifting the curse with the help of the Dancing Shadows Mirror
Q : You spoke earlier about shadow armor what is that ?
A : Yes , shadows do have armor , but a special one
Restrected in valor and experience
you can have your first free shadow armor by completing the quest Cloak for Shadow , give by your shadow .
Shadow has atributes for armor too he can be a dodger - HW or BC . It is your choice .
You can also make your own custome armor by using any type of armor ( green - blue - violet ) + a Shadow Transformation Charm
Note : shadow armor does not take damage in combat
Q: Where can i get such a charm ?
Visit the twilight shop at the shadow in tomb of nights or lady dawn's twilight shop in misc section
Q : How can i check my shadow's attributes or change his abilities
A : Same as the pet the shadow is showen in your backpack on the top next to collection ( same way you acces your pet's profile )
in That page you will see attributes and the powers a shadow has
To change the ability he can use click on the one you want to remove from the spell book and than click on the next skill you want to equipt for your shadow
Q: Where can i buy these skills from ?
A : You can buy them from the twilight shop at shadow's place in tomb of kings or lady dawn's twilight shop
Note : that some of the abilities are restected to some reputations like BOE - BOV - And so on
If there are other questions feel free to ask them .
Remember this quick guide cover up the basic start up steps about shadow .
Good luck !
So here are some of the Most commonly asked questions :
Q: received : Devastating filth curse , what is that ? How do i remove it
A: Congratulations , That curse is the key to getting your shadow quest done . Just follow the quest to remove it your first step is to speak to the necromanser
Q : How do i get the shadow
A : You don't , The shadow gets you . Well it is a random chance of getting the filth curse on you , So there is no quest to take or location to be in . You just have to sit there , play the game as normal and hope for your shadow to catch you .
Q : what level must I be to get the shadow ?
In order to , get a shadow a player must be lvl 7 and higher
what are the steps to get a shadow ?
1- After receiving a filth curse ( random chance to get ) head to the necromanser
2- visit the shadow in tomb of kings ( for mags ) or lady dawn ( for humans )
3- you will get a danger from the shadow / the lady , go to ur backpack - quest section - and use it
you will be attacked by your shadow
shadow's power is regulated to yours and your level too .
4- after defeating your shadow give the danger back to the shadow / lady dawn
5- go to backpack and click use on the unruly shadow you have
6- you will get to chat with your shadow ( text is in russian but is nothing very important )
7- you will get a free shadow - click use on it in quest section in your bag
Received: Own Shadow 1 pcs, Twilight Crystals 100 pcs, Dancing Shadows Mirror 1 pcs.
Q : What do i need this dancing shadow mirrorfor ?
A : Well this mirror is a way to get the filth curse off of you when you get it again , It is also a way to earn twilight crystals by removing that curse
Q : That is great and all but what will a shadow be of use to me ?
A : Your shadow can be a helpful allie , he has special powers wish can heal you - give you power - weaken your enemy and many more , kinda like a mount
Q: Speaking of mounts can i have a shadow and a mount in the same fight ?
A: Yes it is possible to have them bolth summoned in the same fight - how ever some particular places you may not be able to summon you shadow
Q : How do i summon my shadow to the fight
A: while in the fight screen right next to your health bar there will be a shadow icon click on it , The shadow is not summoned threw your battle sack . summoning a shadow requier having some [url='' [url']http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.php?artikul_id=23625[/url]']twilight crystals[/url] in your bag , consider them as mount feed but for your shadow . The shadow will use the same ammount as his level ie : if the shadow is a lvl 7 he will need 7 crystals to enter the battle
Q : Where do i get these [url='' [url']http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.php?artikul_id=23625[/url]']twilight crystals[/url] ?
A: You get these crystals when completing quests from your shadow , daily quests too , or you can buy them in the twilight shop ( At the shadow in tomb of kings or lady dawn's twilight shop )
Q : Can i controle my shadow ?
A : No , not really . you can desside what ability he can use but he has a free will and will use it at random , same as the pets
Q : Well how can i make my shadow stronger ?
A: As you level up and gather experience your shadow will grow too and earn experience and valor like you .
an other good way to give your shadow more power is to give him some armor , Shadows wear a special type of armor but has restrictions too same as our warrior armor is restricted by level - valor ie : A fighter ranked shadow of lvl 7 can not wear gladiator armor , nor can he wear lvl 8 boots
Note : A shadow can not surpass his master either ie : if you are gladiator lvl 8 your shadow can not get hero rank & lvl 9 . Same as a pet
Q : how can i increase my shadow's level ?
As you hunt and earn exp their is a bar of exp for the shadow that will get flled too , but unlike pets they will not level up once they fill it to the max , they require some twilight coins to let them level up and use that accumulated experience
And the same applies for valor
Q: These seem like rare coins , Where can i get them from ? I don't see them anywhere in the shop
A : These coins will be given to you as a reward for completing quests given to you by your shadow , daily shadow quests also when lifting the curse with the help of the Dancing Shadows Mirror
Q : You spoke earlier about shadow armor what is that ?
A : Yes , shadows do have armor , but a special one
Restrected in valor and experience
you can have your first free shadow armor by completing the quest Cloak for Shadow , give by your shadow .
Shadow has atributes for armor too he can be a dodger - HW or BC . It is your choice .
You can also make your own custome armor by using any type of armor ( green - blue - violet ) + a Shadow Transformation Charm
Note : shadow armor does not take damage in combat
Q: Where can i get such a charm ?
Visit the twilight shop at the shadow in tomb of nights or lady dawn's twilight shop in misc section
Q : How can i check my shadow's attributes or change his abilities
A : Same as the pet the shadow is showen in your backpack on the top next to collection ( same way you acces your pet's profile )
in That page you will see attributes and the powers a shadow has
To change the ability he can use click on the one you want to remove from the spell book and than click on the next skill you want to equipt for your shadow
Q: Where can i buy these skills from ?
A : You can buy them from the twilight shop at shadow's place in tomb of kings or lady dawn's twilight shop
Note : that some of the abilities are restected to some reputations like BOE - BOV - And so on
If there are other questions feel free to ask them .
Remember this quick guide cover up the basic start up steps about shadow .
Good luck !
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Dec 15th 2023, 8:45am)
Here is the first quest that goes along with this and to get rid or Curse.
1- To get a shadow there is no quest . It is randome on log in ( or at any time you play the game )
you will receive a filth curse on you .
When you get that curse speak to the necromanser
2- visit the shadow in tomb of kings
3- you will get a danger from the shadow , go to ur backpack - quest section - and use it
you will be attacked by your shadow
shadow's power is regulated to yours and your level too
4- after defeating your shadow give the danger back to the shadow
5- go to backpack and click use on the unruly shadow you have
6- you will get to chat with your shadow ( text is in russian but is nothing very important )
7- you will get a free shadow - click use on it and tadaa
Received: Own Shadow 1 pcs, Twilight Crystals 100 pcs, Dancing Shadows Mirror 1 pcs.
Shadow experience has been increased in accordance with your level.
Matt F. aka Lord_Matt
Here is the first quest that goes along with this and to get rid or Curse.
1- To get a shadow there is no quest . It is randome on log in ( or at any time you play the game )
you will receive a filth curse on you .
When you get that curse speak to the necromanser
2- visit the shadow in tomb of kings
3- you will get a danger from the shadow , go to ur backpack - quest section - and use it
you will be attacked by your shadow
shadow's power is regulated to yours and your level too
4- after defeating your shadow give the danger back to the shadow
5- go to backpack and click use on the unruly shadow you have
6- you will get to chat with your shadow ( text is in russian but is nothing very important )
7- you will get a free shadow - click use on it and tadaa
Received: Own Shadow 1 pcs, Twilight Crystals 100 pcs, Dancing Shadows Mirror 1 pcs.
Shadow experience has been increased in accordance with your level.
Matt F. aka Lord_Matt
some bugs or irrational things about shadow
By mistake i bought in Twiglight shop cloack http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.ph…ct_id=309409995
When i entered in shadow menu i saw i had already same cloack.
So why was it able to buy in shop? Seems i spent 43 golds like have thrown away.
May be in future i can change cloack on another style better if i can't return money?
When i entered in shadow menu i saw i had already same cloack.
So why was it able to buy in shop? Seems i spent 43 golds like have thrown away.
May be in future i can change cloack on another style better if i can't return money?
@ W-a-r-l-o-c-K,
Yes you can change the style of your shadow depending on the cloak and that is the reason they are being sold in the shop. Buying the same as the one you had is your mistake and sadly there is no way your money to be returned. However you can always try to write to Helpdesk.
Good luck!
Yes you can change the style of your shadow depending on the cloak and that is the reason they are being sold in the shop. Buying the same as the one you had is your mistake and sadly there is no way your money to be returned. However you can always try to write to Helpdesk.
Good luck!
@ W-a-r-l-o-c-K,
Yes you can change the style of your shadow depending on the cloak and that is the reason they are being sold in the shop. Buying the same as the one you had is your mistake and sadly there is no way your money to be returned. However you can always try to write to Helpdesk.
Good luck!
"RE: Shadow cloack
dear W-a-r-l-o-c-K
thanks for e mailing helpdesk
unfortunately there is no any pay back or fixing possibility for these shopping mistakes , we are encountering so many similar issues especially during city fair time but unfortunately we cant help you
helpdesk wishes good games"