What it is for?
Abode of Eternal Ice – is a great finding for warriors from the Order of Juggernauts. Those who will be able to access snow caves and defeat furious monsters that live there will receive valuable reward -
Upon defeating monsters there players can random find fragments for
Baby Yeti Medallion which can be a very loyal pet.
Another finds there are
Ice Vine,
Ice Lily and
Ice Water Lily that are used for purchase of elixirs at the Alchemist Shop. (note that you do not requite to be a Herbologist to pick the flowers there as they are type 'General')
How to access it? How to enter it? How long I can be there?
The instance has 5 caves. To access it you need to make the required keys as mentioned bellow. 5 caves and each one require a special key.
You can reach the Iceberg on ships that depart from Terror Wharf (magmars) and Grand Fort Harbor (humans) to Islands of Eternal Frost. Travelling firther you will reach location Northern Traveller. You can access from there as long as you are in group and have the required 'keys'.
In order to access ice caves you’ll need to gather
ancient cryptos. You'll find fragments of cryptos in
Ice Bags. This Bags can be found at various Seprcial events and Exchange tent for Merchant Marks.
The caves can be access as per the followig - Gray Cryptos for first cave, Green for secons, Blue for third, Purple for fourth and Red for 5th (and last) cave. The following image will explain what amount of fragments is required for each crystos:

All of them are one-time study. As long as you nave learned them you will never need to gather them again.
Note: The bags drop various Cryptos fragments but you can still exchange them for better ones at the Exchange tent. The ratio is 3 lower for 1 higher (for instance 3 green fragments for 1 blue).
Note: To get a lower ones you need to add in the cube 1 of the higher one + crushing scroll and the you will get 3 of the lower ones (for instance 1 Green cyptos + Crushing Scroll = 3 Gray cryptos and so on)
Note: To check which cryptos you did not learn go to Achievements(top menu)>Guide books>Not received
Please note that you need to learn all the cryptos in consecative way: Gray, then Green, then Blue, then Purple and then Red.
Intance is for 24 hours and can be accessed every 5 days.
What I do when I enter?
If you do not need quicksilver you can just pick the flowers. The mobs do not require to be killed so you pass in the next room. You can pass free as long as you have done the cryptos. You can do it the other way around as well. Just kill the mobs and don't pick the flowers.
Are this mobs strong?
They become stronger the deeper you go but not so hard to kill. The higher level the player is the more they strenghten themselves.
Best tactics are giant, lifes, retri scolls/powders (and mana pots for mages).
The yetis weaken you for few moves, made you lose life upon next few attacks, heal themselves once and put aura. The ones that put aura are the last cave ones. Then you require Blue + bow with purification arrow OR just bring Purification scrolls.
The drop of the quicksilver depend on your Juggernaut badge - the higher it is then the better the drop is.
What I do with the flowers? I got the pet but I keep get fragments, what I do with them?
You can visit the Alchemist shop at Guild of Artisants and buy yourself some potions or more quicksilver.
Is there any achievements?
For learning the cryptus:
For killing the monsters there:
For picking the flowers there:
The Guide will be updated as long as any new information appear.