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Thursday, January 19th 2017, 10:23pm

Yeti fight - refund…70&server_id=10

There was a bug with timing of the battles and on the 1st day fight happened at 16:00 instead of 18:00...
It was not counted for the rewards and there was a message in chat that we will be given a refund if we submit a ticket...

The ticket finally got closed after almost 1 month with status "Done" (WOW, nice, amazing, no it's not).
Yet we did not receive any refund - not in buffs, nor in money.

My ticket:

Can we get any answer about it? Or the refund if it says it's "Done"?

17:08 -TheRiddle- » lososerg: XHA-927-88867 <--- Ticket was closed with "Done" Yet I did not get a refund for buffs used in the fight
14:48 -TheRiddle- » lososerg: XHA-927-88867 <-- There was no answer for the ticket, it was marked as "Done" Yes I didn't get any refund for the buffs



Thursday, January 19th 2017, 10:28pm

Same thing here, ticked closed with "done", yet i never recieved a message with refunds or anything of the likes.
My ticket: KTC-542-72093


Friday, January 20th 2017, 11:21am

Same thing here, ticked closed with "done", yet i never recieved a message with refunds or anything of the likes.
My ticket: KTC-542-72093
Sorry :embarressed: obivously affects this character, not the one i posted with previously


Friday, January 20th 2017, 1:18pm



Friday, January 20th 2017, 1:23pm

My ticket PHG-801-66133

Posts: 336

Location: The Astral Plane

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Friday, January 20th 2017, 1:40pm

I got the answer on my ticket "Unfortunately I don't see that you used the punch in your logs.".
Nice going, really. I rate you 11/10.
So I "didn't" use punch and had 12k damage as a lvl 3 in 3 pieces of GREEN armour while everything else was GRAY. Plus I didn't use red elixirs.
Makes sense.


Saturday, January 28th 2017, 5:47pm

It kinda sucks, we were told we will be given a refund...


Wednesday, February 1st 2017, 7:52pm

Bump 3:)

Posts: 336

Location: The Astral Plane

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Wednesday, February 1st 2017, 8:04pm

No :wall: punch :wall: in :wall: the :wall: log :wall:


Wednesday, February 8th 2017, 5:41pm

15:08 -TheRiddle- » lososerg: XHA-927-88867 It states done, yet we were never given refund for that
15:29 -TheRiddle- » lososerg: XHA-927-88867 It states done, yet we were never given refund for that
15:51 -TheRiddle- » lososerg: XHA-927-88867 It states done, yet we were never given refund for that
16:52 -TheRiddle- » lososerg: XHA-927-88867 It states done, yet we were never given refund for that
17:26 -TheRiddle- » lososerg: XHA-927-88867 It was closed with done, but the refund wasn't given to us
