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Monday, March 13th 2017, 5:45pm

So if you guys talk about selfish considering stalling, you might also like to talk about the other selfish people in here. There is room for stalling and there is also occasions where you better dont stall. And for me GB is a very good reason to stall:) certainly in my level. And if you take the effort and check, there is a fair amount of GBs I started thanks to my stalling and not just being an easy kill for some ego.

Personally, I don't really care for GBs events where a level 18 can join and destroy all before if even starts just 'because they can'
Sure, it's up to them, if they find it fun. I just go to GB for my shadow to ket a bit of valour too.
If lvl 3 stalled me, I'd just use poison scroll, shuriken and blood pots. Won't last long.
I'd expect the same of a level 9 or 10 if I stalled them for them to use similar tactics. Stalling may be a tactic that works for you but not very many people share your opinion. while you're stalling one guy for 15 seconds, everyone else in the fight has had 2 or 3 attacks. People hate stallers for various reasons.
But like I said, I don't care for GBs at the minute and I don't care much about stallers except in Tallaars Halls.
Good luck to you.


Monday, March 13th 2017, 6:44pm

That GB damage requirement post needs to be checked. I did over 4400 damage in a fight and got message that I did not do enough damage for GB rep.


Monday, March 13th 2017, 8:32pm

noob will always be noob, some players even reach to 18 but cant fight own lvl without people to hold their hands :love:
info: Visit the battlefields to earn valor. Valor is essential for getting access to the best armour!


Monday, March 13th 2017, 10:40pm

valor x2, and lvl 16+ stall each other on the plateau? what for? Where is the logic here?…=1&server_id=10 funny ^^

@Harley Quinn
nice picture, and I'm sure you haven't lost your Puddin ^^
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Tuesday, March 14th 2017, 4:28pm

Easy question,though.

(Talking about humans) Probably trying to be the hero by joining the fight,then failing miserably and waiting for help while crying for it and spamming "/help" in chat.

That's most likely why they're stalling.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.

 lol666 [9] 


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Tuesday, March 14th 2017, 7:24pm

Well my personal request to you is to not enter if u cannot get any scalp from the fight lvl 11+, how many times we were lvl 6,7,8 fight, then boom! A lvl 18 magmar join and oneshot everyone, so dont complain only about what we do; ask your side to do better.
P.S. Just in case anyone want know, few lvl 11+ mag mages join and stall too, hoping we call the help to ask human mage to join.
Well, if that is your plan. :stronger: :music:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Wednesday, March 15th 2017, 7:06am

A lvl 18 magmar join and oneshot everyone

They need 100 GB leader achievement for GB Worship badge, though. :sleep: Nothing wrong in that. Fast and easy win :mine:
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Wednesday, March 15th 2017, 7:24am

That doesn't work if they join before its even close to a gb

 lol666 [9] 


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Wednesday, March 15th 2017, 9:45am

That doesn't work if they join before its even close to a gb

Yep, they just hope joining before it, kill all low level and hope for some mage to join. :tease:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:

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