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Tuesday, April 25th 2017, 1:53pm

"Enchanted" Guards

Okay , we got new "enchanted" guards , that spell lot of funny sh.. It will reset your combo before you can do half of combo, aside that it will stall you 10 freakin seconds every turn. Ruining raid fun for all who dont have teleport 5. But here is my idea. Next update add " Pony " guards. That will attack magmars or humans and stall full 17 seconds and automatically pm to alpha , hh , immortals , mib etc. Great idea ? :tease:


Tuesday, April 25th 2017, 6:29pm

I keep scalping despite the new annoyances, guess you'll just have to


Deal with it.
You do not quit playing computer games because youre old, you get old because you quit playing.


Tuesday, April 25th 2017, 11:37pm

Nver mention , they dont let me scalp. Scalps are easy thing , what s fun in raid is touring otherside s map, one day you will approve :snowball:

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Wednesday, April 26th 2017, 12:18pm

I keep scalping despite the new annoyances, guess you'll just have to


Deal with it.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.

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