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Wednesday, April 26th 2017, 4:41pm

items broken in nonbreak!!


isn't it supposed to be nonbreak in Battle fields till aprill 27 for 3rd task?

i had a fight in arena and :

16:34 Some of your items have been damaged: Ezav Gnome Amulet (-1), The Chainmail Shirt of Destruction (-1), Small Adversary Belt (-1), Artful Pauldrons of Destruction (-1), Mercenary Rucksack (-1).


Wednesday, April 26th 2017, 4:50pm

Some of your items have been damaged: Artful Destruction Armor (-1), Lightweight Knapsack (-1), Mercenary Rucksack (-1), Artful Destruction Boots (-1), Rayno Gnome Ring (-1).

in this arena

 lososerg [17] 

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Wednesday, April 26th 2017, 5:26pm

isn't it supposed to be nonbreak in Battle fields till aprill 27 for 3rd task?

Where from did you get that info?


Wednesday, April 26th 2017, 5:31pm

Fearless warriors! The Festival Organiser has the next challange – fights at the legendary battlefields of Faeo! Taking part at the Crystalline Caves, Temple, Arena, Meridian Vault or Tallaar Halls, you will be able to charge the magic amulet with Bitterness after defeating your opponents. And your items won't break in battle there!

 lososerg [17] 

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Wednesday, April 26th 2017, 5:36pm

Fearless warriors! The Festival Organiser has the next challange – fights at the legendary battlefields of Faeo! Taking part at the Crystalline Caves, Temple, Arena, Meridian Vault or Tallaar Halls, you will be able to charge the magic amulet with Bitterness after defeating your opponents. And your items won't break in battle there!

Is it just me or there is no mention of the date till which nobreak lasts?


Wednesday, April 26th 2017, 5:39pm

The Festival Organiser is waiting for volunteers at the City Fair grounds of Dartrong or О’Delvays in order to complete the task «A War Trophy for the Tenth Anniversary: Bitterness of defeat». You will be able to start the quest from April 21st till 12:00 April 24. Organizer accepts charged amulets till till 12:00 April 27.

--> the event is till aprill 27.


Wednesday, April 26th 2017, 5:41pm

the event is tiil aprill 27. its only logical that the mentioned nonbreak for this event is also till april 27 unless something to the contrary had been mentioned in the news

 lososerg [17] 

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Wednesday, April 26th 2017, 5:52pm

The non break was supposed to last till April 24


Wednesday, April 26th 2017, 5:54pm

"you will be able to start the quest from April 21st till 12:00 April 24"

the quest started on aprill 24!


Wednesday, April 26th 2017, 5:55pm

sry correction : april 21 till 24


Wednesday, April 26th 2017, 5:57pm

but no where in news was mentioned that the nonbreak is till april 24.
infact yesterday april 25 was nonbreak

 lososerg [17] 

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Wednesday, April 26th 2017, 6:12pm

infact yesterday april 25 was nonbreak

It means that you got one extra non break day. Lucky you.


Wednesday, April 26th 2017, 6:21pm

admins, you made a mistake!
you didnt mention anywhere in the news that the nonbreak is till april 24! and the event is till april 27.

it would be much more elegent to admit your mistake and correct it!!

we players are not psychic to know what is in your minds, we play based on the info in the news!

if you forgot to mention that the nonbreak is till 24 april, we players should not have to pay for it!!

 lososerg [17] 

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Wednesday, April 26th 2017, 6:29pm

admins, you made a mistake!
you didnt mention anywhere in the news that the nonbreak is till april 24! and the event is till april 27.

You made a mistake when you assumed that non break is till April 27, when in fact there is no word about it in the news.

Non break was supposed to last till April 24, admins didn't turn it off on time and now instead of being happy for enjoying it for the extended period of time you write topics on forum blaming admins for making a mistake based on your false and baseless assumptions.

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