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Wednesday, June 28th 2017, 5:28pm

Valor bonus on crucible not working?

I was told by a guard that the increase of valor bonus in crucible was implemented on last update.
I personally read this as a valor bonus of 300% for win and 100% for lose, but after staying in queue and actually having some crucibles going, I fail to see the bonus been given to anyone. Either that or we get a really low amount of valor from this bf.
If you admins by any chance changed the text but didnt actually activate the bonus, by accident ofc, pls re-check the settings.

Such a bonus would make a hugh impact in the amount of players participating on it. After all isnt this what this game should be all about? Fighting? :stronger:

The following rules apply in the Crucible of War:
• Experience coefficient for victory/defeat – 100/66;
Valour coefficient for victory/defeat – 400/200;
• All injuries are removed immediately after the battle ends;
• Wraiths, mounts and own shadows cannot be summoned to battle.

Thank you! :beer:


Thursday, June 29th 2017, 2:55am

The valor payout from the 2-3 I ever did before recent update were extremely pitiful. Never saw anyone getting above 2-4k valor in those fights unless statues or valor pots activated. So there has been an increase. The current output could not be possible with only the 100/66 that existed before. It is debateable if its running 300/100 or 400/200 but admins can confirm as requested.

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