Someone has to finally answer this
Баудвилльского храбреца [RU]
The Baudville Brave [COM]
"... as we approached the whirlpool, the humming began to increase, we were all impatient, anticipating meeting the Baudville Brave (Note: Apparently, that was the name of a ship) from the destructive power of the water. Broudy Longbeard, son of Thomas Twinkiss, first noticed the giant vortex and rushed to the captain, knocking over barrels of Kodrag jerky as he ran, along with a table with dice, much to the dissatisfaction of the stocky boatswain. Stammering with excitement, he reported to the captain that the ship was on a direct course is to the vortex. We could not tear our eyes away from the giant crater, which threatened to engulf us in a few moments. A loud command from the captain brought us out of our stupor. As if possessed, we ran to the side to release the stabilizer ropes. With some deft handwork, I managed to free the end of the rope, I threw it overboard and pulled hard towards myself. From my right, I heard someone shout encouragingly, saying that he was also ready to deploy the stabilizers (Note: Short summary on dwarf devices to follow later). At the captain's orders, we released the rope and jumped away from the sides, so we were not accidentally blown out to sea by the powerful stream of air expelled from its opening wings. There was a deafening whistles, the Baudville Brave screeched and shook so hard, that if I had not grasped the beard of Shavris, son Judrik the Ginger, who was holding onto the mast with both hands, then I would have been thrown to the very stern. The stabilizers uniformly rose and fell on both sides. This was the first time I could marvel at this miracle. They reminded me of the giant webbed wings of a dragon: their smooth surface fluttered in the wind, like stretched skin. But there was no time to relax, we had the hardest job still to do - to keep the boat straight, to prevent it from leaning to one side, so as to get into the centre of the raging vortex. We clung to the the ropes and, feeling the salt spray of sea water on our faces, we dug our feet into the deck. The Brave in full sail dived into the heart of the rapidly rotating, dervish dancing vortex. We gradually descended to the bottom, under the column of water, it was pitch dark, when suddenly some unseen force grabbed us and pulled us up. (Note: The following fragment if text is omitted, since it is not clearly written.) At first the light was blinding, and I fell to the ground, not letting the cable out of my hands. But when I opened my eyes, Broudy Longbeard was standing over me, bellowing with laughter, and he handed me a fur cape with a hood. His beard was white from his frozen breath covering it in silver frost. We made it safely to the frozen islands ... I think that this is exactly what you were looking for, warrior. I do not recall any other mention of the maelstrom in any other dwarf manuscripts I have found. "