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  • "-_MiShKy_TiNg_-" started this thread

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Saturday, September 16th 2017, 7:27pm

Level 12 CC of Equals,, RE-animate

ok since admins took the notification off to tell us to que up 1h before it was gonna start litteraly no one joins the que... i mean i see LOADS of level 12 still with purple UK badge .. do you really wanna put hard work into 500 scalps spend 250-270g on coal and then on top of that 1000 GOLD on SPARKS!!?? i personaly think its a big waste of money CC of equals we are all equal we have all got FULL PURPLE armour .. rings.. and potions are all similar... so its very equal for a lv 12 with no rank or a lv 12 with rank only difference is a ranked player probably fights better than non ranked.. but all this = 5g TOP and you get your scalps you can probably complete quests if u set your mind to it and let team know before hand if u have any feats etc like 113... and you get nice valor.. but no one Ques... please guys lets try get this done the Gromwol nice looks awsome whats stopping you and very handy at lv 12 .. lets get some valor lets get some RR guys ... i think we can que any time we want since they removed notification so lets see that que pumping you will not damage nothing since armour is not yours... so its pretty much like NON BREAK every time in there .. whos with me ?....

and dont coment on my punctuation lol i dont care take a break when you feel like it lol its a game not an english litterature test :smile: drop your pluses and talk to eachother this goes for both sides humans and mags... create a team que up even if its just 3-4 might encourage other servers to que also :beer: hope i can get some support from our fellow level 12's
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Saturday, September 16th 2017, 7:31pm

great idea

I would be up for that fighting on an equal field sounds good

  • "-_MiShKy_TiNg_-" started this thread

Posts: 215

Location: England

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Saturday, September 16th 2017, 7:37pm

either that or if it encourages people more .. please admins bring notification back ! :D :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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  • "-_MiShKy_TiNg_-" started this thread

Posts: 215

Location: England

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Saturday, September 16th 2017, 7:51pm

link isnt oppening bro
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Saturday, September 16th 2017, 11:08pm


We know that all cc of equals died in every level with the new schedules thing. But i see so many people still participate to chaotics or tallaars, so, if we has enough population to make the cc of equals active again then why we shouldn't guys? at least for 12 level. Everyone will get same items, elixirs, wraiths etc. in there, the team with the best organization and tactic will win it. Fair and fun? You will get almost 60-70k valor or even more if you win it. Why we should spend 20 sparks (costing 1000 golds) to get this medal if we have chance to handle it with fun? It's not a war game bois please? I want to get my medal with fightining, not with the spending sparks. Also items, belts, amulets, rings etc won't break there already you will be transfered as naked, all people will be able to get same things in there. Totally fair. There won't be mounts, shadows or deck effects/wraiths, I'm telling again this battlefield gives chance to ALL people to do somethings for their team. If you didn't be able to complete your first valor quests/agudar quests, might be you will able to complete them in there too. This battlefields is open everyday, everytime. We still can make it active again, i know we have enough player for it in 12 level. And even if we can queue up like 5-6 people from each race then I'm sure other people from de and pl servers will see it and maybe they will join us too.

I don't want to prolong, said enough. I'm always ok for any pvp instances. If we can find enough people here who thinks same with us, we will make it active again guys, believe me. If you want to learn some details or didn't understand a part about cc of equals or other ones, feel free to prv me in game for humanside. I'll explain it in details and i'm pretty sure you will want to participate too.



Saturday, September 16th 2017, 11:29pm

The issue is that since they removed the shedule for Q at equal all at same time, no one equal started and that for every lvl and all type of equal.

equal worked well, was the only bf working, fortunately was hours for q, so people could organize their game time depending of the equal time and all q at same moment. Now you have 2 guys in q the monday at 16h, 2 others the wednesday at 20h etc ... so sure no one equal can start. Now nobody q anymore.

If you want a cc equal start, you have to organize a team of 18 mag/hum from server, define hour/day etc ...
Good luck, and you can thanks those who got the great idea to remove the shedule of equal, probabely people who never go in bf.

Is exactely the same for chaotic, chaotic work only because are hours for join, you can organize your game time to be free at that moment, remove the hours and no 1 chaotic would start.


Sunday, September 17th 2017, 12:38am

ill que up for tournament if its free and i dont need 500 scalps or coal but ill que just to help get que up!


Sunday, September 17th 2017, 2:38pm

most humans just waiting on reba and her friend to lv up :lol:

but on the real note - im always in cue if im online/home...

but nothing happens

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