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  • "BaTTousai-" started this thread

Posts: 69

Location: United States

Occupation: Hacker

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Tuesday, October 3rd 2017, 9:24am

vacation to my country or ip change problems

Rigth Now i Travelled to Dominican Republic to Vacation so will connect from different IP but with my computer for the next 10 days 01/10/2017-10/10/2017 i can conect from dominican republic but the game take me out cause the diferent ip i guess or cause the internet here is less than 1 mbps but i want to post in the forum cause i try to logg all day if my ip from dominican rep can be add on the game to my account i will be able to loging from here and i will not need to use team viwer to loging on NYC to my desktop computer and to no get into jail if need my confirmation (for guards or admin ) my skype is on my profile add me and call me on skype and look at my face befor ei get my character into jail cause i try to loging from another country.

i thought i post this before on forum but looks like i forgot :wall:

 Sequana [10] 


Posts: 574

Location: Square of Fire, Khair

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Tuesday, October 3rd 2017, 10:24am

Noted:) we wish you a pleasant holiday!
:!: Guards open their doors for new members. Interested? Please apply here! :!: