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Wednesday, October 4th 2017, 6:46pm

HEY Admins, whats up with large bright crystals vs sparkling

I have alwasy wondered why large brights are so rare compared to large bright crystals. Is there a reason for this? It would seem logical that destroying a more expensive armor would yield the more expensive and rare product. However currently see lrg brights in auction for 15g, yet large sparks beed going for 25+g. There is even a stupid quest to get a blue fishing rod where you have to turn in several large sparklings. I even see auction trolls buying bright thru exchange for 6g and sellilng for 15g. Seems like a form of powerleveling to me.


Wednesday, October 4th 2017, 7:05pm

breaking blue stuff is easy and really not rare, need simply buy in shop or break old stuff .... break green stuff ... need first drop that, and that's not so easy than buy blue stuff in shop ....

Green is more than rare, blue is commun.

Don't complain for 25g for green crystals, here people sell them for more than 40g now.

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Wednesday, October 4th 2017, 9:23pm

As I heard,you can also receive blue crystals from caskets/chests but you can't receive green ones that way,that's also a reason why green ones cost more.
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Thursday, October 5th 2017, 12:10am

so lucky they are so cheap over on ur side its 30-35g for green large sparkling and 25g for blue large bright

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Thursday, October 5th 2017, 5:03am

I don't know where infinity came up with 25g for green cristals but I'm looking for some and nobody sold me for 35g :) so I'd say it's more like 40g here also.
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Thursday, October 5th 2017, 6:53am

Price is determined by demad and supply.

First of all, the green armour drop rates are too less. Then the requirement of green crystals are 4 times of blue crystal to make runes.


Friday, October 6th 2017, 2:34am

Problem too is getting the large spark to drop in the first place, drop rate is very low or in my case zero so far. The last 12 pieces I broke gave me 9 small & 3 normal spark. Just 1 large to sell on out of those 12 would have made me feel like it wasn't a total waste of green armour.

I believe the drop rate for large crystals was nerfed as I haven't had any green & it's a long time since I had any grey ones which used to drop all the time despite them being worthless :lol:


Saturday, October 7th 2017, 4:28am

I believe the drop rate for large crystals was nerfed as I haven't had any green & it's a long time since I had any grey ones which used to drop all the time despite them being worthless :lol:

The method of crystal drops was changed some updates ago:

When destroying things, the following rule should be taken into account: when a thing is destroyed, you get a crystal level corresponding to the level of the destroyed thing, or, with a small chance, a crystal level higher. This means that from the 1-5 level things will usually be small crystals (with a small chance - medium), from things 6-10 levels - medium crystals (with a small chance large), from things 11-15 - large ( with a small chance of massive), of things 16-20 - always massive crystals. This rule applies to things of all "colors". Destruction of "red" things of any level and style things will not bring any results.

Most Large green crystals come from lvl12 bows. Those drop a lot unless your luck stinks really really bad. Many low levels buy green bows off exchange and profit. Large green also dropped from well event so thats a great time to buy. I got 3 off Exchange for 28g this past event.