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  • "Kenny The Great" started this thread

Posts: 939

Occupation: Fixing stuff.

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Wednesday, November 1st 2017, 12:58am

Elemental pet upgrade?

So I was browsing through the architect shop without any filters applied and noticed this:

It says you need 100 pcs of the mystical elementals but also a charged energy cube which is:

My questions are 1) Which energy cubes do you use and 2) How do you infuse it with a spark of heavenly fire?

Has anyone done this yet? If not, is it even available to this server yet?
I'm not crazy, I swear!:ogo:


Wednesday, November 1st 2017, 1:14am

Saw that...but waiting for someone to be the first test subject

Let me know what happens :)

Good Luck


Wednesday, November 1st 2017, 1:28am

@Kenny The recipe is in Magiv plot VI as far as ive been told

 lol666 [9] 


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Wednesday, November 1st 2017, 8:57am

RE: Elemental pet upgrade?

So I was browsing through the architect shop without any filters applied and noticed this:

It says you need 100 pcs of the mystical elementals but also a charged energy cube which is:

My questions are 1) Which energy cubes do you use and 2) How do you infuse it with a spark of heavenly fire?

Has anyone done this yet? If not, is it even available to this server yet?

You need this
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:

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