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Wednesday, November 22nd 2017, 12:09pm

Black Friday…&id=2296&page=1
I warmly hope there will be something similar also this friday)
Have you ever seen any other news with good comments only?
I can't remember any)

 lol666 [9] 


Posts: 771

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Wednesday, November 22nd 2017, 1:49pm

13. TiSi 25.11.2016 16:28
Something is wrong. This event is good. Too good.

This comment scared away the black friday sales :smoke: :lol:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:

 LE LOUP [17] 


Posts: 301

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Thursday, November 23rd 2017, 10:52pm

let's hope ^^

+ after fair come ressource fair so who know :love:

GO GO GO admins give us something nice


Friday, November 24th 2017, 4:54pm

:lol: worst is while 99% of the population of Faeo are wondering just wtf are the admins thinking with this rather useless and pointless "Black Friday" sale, 1% are whipping out the visa's and buying enough junk to provide the annual bonus for .com sales department who'll then congradulate themselves on another year of satisfactory customer service :lol: and then after few celebratory bottles of cheap bubbly will announce its time for a premium fair