After few times of ship battle expierence, just few things to make clear to who stalls :
1. Attention! You can intervene in the battle only during the first hour after its start! After that, the battle will be closed for entering of any new players.
2. Stalling in clear advantage or disadvantage is both useless after the first hour!
One example is…t=1&server_id=0
Few other one are the ship battles where i participated, where level 8,9 were stalling after the hour in clear disadvantage.
Stop it ! Get some help !
If you are stalling just to make other people bless went off at least remember that you are also stalling the ones who are with you fighting the enemies.
So dont stall when you are in clear advantage is the best.
But hey, this is just my opinion here. Somehow i think people will keep stalling
Just my first impression, i may be wrong
Btw feels good to be stalled by higher lvls
maybe one day i ll check the people participating, get in and stall you like the lvl 5 stalled for 2h and 20min