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Saturday, January 27th 2018, 6:42pm

Level 17 - tallar event

Come on...let's queue. not one tallar so far at 17

  • "-Cahal-" has been banned

Posts: 1,998

Location: Turkish Paradise

Occupation: Master of Satire

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Sunday, January 28th 2018, 10:33am

Oh my gosh you are sassy Asgaard. You are culturally appropriating Viking-hood!
What if some Viking changes his or her name to -SassyFromager- in response?
I have no intention of getting this topic closed or anything, I'll just drop my 2 cents and get out of here.

Why? This is as off-topic as it could be, even if you were right, this is not the place to bring it up. All he did was saying "Hey level 17's, let's do tallaars" not "look at my name, I'm doing it because I wanna make fun of the heritage of Scandinavian people"

What's the next step? You'll tell him that he can't pick this mask in Masked Carnival because it resembles white supremacy and he can't pick this one either because it's cultural appropriation since it's black?
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.