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Thursday, February 8th 2018, 12:41pm

How it could be ??

G'day guys.
I was consern about my charecter. It seems to me while I play on BC I notibe that on BF I have few crits wherever I play against dodger or HW. It peases me off when I meant to hit with high possibility to crit. However, whike I play with Buff or not, the result the same. Today I had arena and from 60-70 hits to HW I got only 5 to 7 critical hits. How it possible :drop: ?? had 70 % artful BC item + 10 % extra critical hit by my talents.


Thursday, February 8th 2018, 1:05pm

Having a BC would slightly increase the chance to have crit hits against players. I am a BC too and the rate of crit against mobs its greater than the one against player.

Try to add some buffs that increase intuition or the chance to deliver crit blows, but again that would offer u just a +small chance to crit.

This happens to every style out there.


Friday, February 9th 2018, 6:19pm

the higher your agility and protection are in comparison to your own intuition the lower your crit chance will be. In a sense your own stats are working against one another. Purple bonecrushers actually have less crit chance than blue ones, but much higher dodge rates. (Also the talent just increases the multiplier on your critical hits, not the chance to crit)


Friday, February 9th 2018, 8:22pm

I'm a dodger and In some fights I Block or Crit more than I dodge.
Unbuffed, my base stats are:
Agility - 357
Intuition - 76
Protection - 42

But there are things you can do other than buff to increase these stats. Things like runing your armour, activating talents and using certain potions in battle.

BC set doesn't guarantee you more crits in fight. It has more to do with your opponants strengths and weaknesses than you think. For example, if I was to fight a HW player with fully runed, Reflecton + SoG set... I'd probably crit more than I'd dodge because HW set is strong vs dodger stats and weak vs BC stats. Chances are if the HW player was as strong as me with similar skill and potions, I would lose the fight because of the Fighting style bias.
Equally, if I was to fight an equally strong BC player with valour armour, I'd dodge a LOT but I wouldn't block as much.
The set bias goes as follows.

Dodger > Bonecrusher
Bonecrusher > Heavyweight
Heavyweight > Dodger

But this is just a guide. Just because I'm dodger, doesn't mean a BC can't kill me in a straight 1v1 fight.

I know it's comnfusing but I hope this goes a little way towards explaining the basic stats and game fight mechanics!


Saturday, February 10th 2018, 6:54am

So if I dodge a lot - it's because I have blue armor not purple? Oo

 lol666 [9] 


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Saturday, February 10th 2018, 9:00am

Personal opinion these stuff depends on personal luck, many times i dodged like a dodger or critted few hits in a row, many times got dodged or got critted in a row.
Stats ofc have influence, but a % is still a % and all what cares is your rng :angel:
The best is to get critted 5 times in a row by a hw :lol: happened once to me in bf, my reaction was :shock: :shock:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer: