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  • "zAquisgran" started this thread

Posts: 866

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Wednesday, May 2nd 2018, 12:48am

Rewards for Deeds - "Fortune Hunter"

Is that working?

I opened kind of 70 caskets and chests (yeees, i am NOT pay paller and not rich *g*) and didnt get 1/1000.

I also spent 20 Gold at "Luck Glow" (4*5=20g) which perhaps also is not huge amount for some people,
but not 1 point? Still 0/1000?

Dont know how that can motivate people to spend money and participate in game events... :lol:


Wednesday, May 2nd 2018, 12:49am

just pay 100 diamonds for 100 points :lol:


Wednesday, May 2nd 2018, 9:08am

yeees, i am NOT pay paller

as a none paypaller, you should know your secret luck stat is very low :P


Wednesday, May 2nd 2018, 11:51am

Thats an interesting theory :) though ... I am paypaler but I havent encountered any special in any aspcet of my game life. So certainly cannot confirm any relation between paypal and any increase of any secret luck stats. No superprizes in chains, no drops ... nothing.

:huh: But hey) maybe my account is bugged ^^


Wednesday, May 2nd 2018, 1:23pm

@Aix it's not a secret that the amount of money you paypal influence drops lol
Just means you didn't paypal enough


Wednesday, May 2nd 2018, 1:35pm

:lol: :lol:
If you were a fish you would not last long) you virtually take any bait)


Wednesday, May 2nd 2018, 1:38pm

I speak from facts ; )
You don't need to believe, in fact believe in what you want ; )


Wednesday, May 2nd 2018, 2:51pm

yeees, i am NOT pay paller


Wednesday, May 2nd 2018, 4:33pm

get red premium - you get extra chance to receive all them stuffs

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Thursday, May 3rd 2018, 7:30am

iSpent Too Much Money In Game, No Special Results :lol:
The Early Bird, Takes The Worm.


Friday, May 4th 2018, 7:02pm

yeees, i am NOT pay paller

as a none paypaller, you should know your secret luck stat is very low :P
is dat a joke? :angel: :angel:


Friday, May 4th 2018, 8:27pm

yeees, i am NOT pay paller , thats quoted from zaquis post, although its true for me too, belive it or not as you wish :wink:

as a none paypaller, you should know your secret luck stat is very low , thats a joke, although halfharted and truer than anyone will admit :shuffle:


Friday, May 4th 2018, 8:41pm

Can confirm, secret luck stat is very low. And if you ever do get fed up of people telling you you're a paypaller there's always the screen in the bank that (I presume) has the borrowing money interface. Forint just tells me to piss off and buy 232 diamonds instead of being able to borrow, so I could just screenshot it and send to someone if they were really getting on my nerves. It's much too flattering for me to wanna do that really though :angel:


Friday, May 4th 2018, 8:56pm

a screen shot would prove nothing, as sponser pay diamonds (long time ago) counted towards borrowing limit :lol:


Friday, May 4th 2018, 9:00pm

Gosh I feel bad for you doing sponsorpay :lol: I just did 0.02 diamonds on it from a 30 second video so I could finish the philosopher's stone quest.


Friday, May 4th 2018, 10:02pm

I got 1 point from opening a mithril casket. Haven't tried aything else.
You do not quit playing computer games because youre old, you get old because you quit playing.


Friday, May 4th 2018, 10:44pm

mithril casket give +1, also in luck glow its rarelly can get some point, but possible, work same way while hunt, its randow, about chest, when you get golden horseshoe of luck you get +5 points, so far its the experience i got while open chest and in luck glow event.

hope that have help


Saturday, May 5th 2018, 2:17am

got +50 from winning rare item from the event

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