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Wednesday, May 9th 2018, 11:50am

May battles please admin reply…&threadID=34958 started on 28th april, no reply to any concerns raised…&threadID=34953 questions asked at end of event, no replys

we couldnt get some tokens during event, you havent addressed this issue with any comment

some people did the math and realised the hevenly spark was impossible to get your reply was
10. Lisad 27.04.2018 17:26
@DeCrypt, updated the news. You can also buy the tokens in the contraband­ shop.

this is incorrect, the tokens where for the other may event, not this one

we cant exchange the few tokens we got, the event ended and now we have nothing for the time spent

some reply would be greatly appreciated, even if that reply is go to hell its not a diamond event so why should admin fix it :rolleyes:


Thursday, May 10th 2018, 2:16pm

I just wonder, you know...
Let's say it's fine to run a bugged event, let's say it's fine to leave us standing without answering.
But after all that you just open a shop for the tokens for diamonds and thalars?
Lisad, you really don't see anything wrong with it? Is it just me?
I think there are 3 different threads about that bugged event, people kept complaining that they can't get tokens.


This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Forum Moderator" (May 10th 2018, 4:06pm)

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