1. Time out too long + stallers
2. Not enough people online at the same time
3. Higher number of people needed than on mage levels
4. Overbuffers
5. Items break
you are 3x more at lvl 10 than 17, are much more lvl 10 online at same time than at lvl 17
need less people for mage chaotics because at each lvl are much less people than at no mage lvl.
overbuffer are at every lvl
and item break at every lvl too.
For me again, the only explain is the fact that the fights at no mage lvl are to long bacause 20s is to long and people are used to stall. As i said, i would not go, even not once a day and even not for that event. Because stay in a fight versus a staller isn't fun and only waste of time. We have also some staller, poison and stall in block, but these one are fast dead.