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Saturday, June 2nd 2018, 5:18pm

lvl group in cc

Any reason for mix lvl 18 and 19, when was 17-18 and worked well?

Since you mixed them, lvl 19 are enough for 2 cc at same time without lvl 18 in


lvl 18 don't go anymore, only 2-3 brave time to time (they don't go in chaotic because of lvl 19, why would they go in cc with the same?)
but lvl 17 .... Magmars: 10 / Humans: 2

So thank you very much for that super event ... 2 lvl fucked


Saturday, June 2nd 2018, 6:02pm

previously its been 19-20lvls in group (while 20lvls didn't released in game yet),your point of view on it looks too selfish


Saturday, June 2nd 2018, 6:28pm


lvl 20 not released and? you're still enough for do 2 cc at same time with only lvl 19 while the others wait in q for hours because aren't enough people...

You expect 3 at same time? ohh sorry i'm so selfish :lol:

you're really funny sometimes, so bad faith


Saturday, June 2nd 2018, 6:37pm

Let's use your favorite math.
ON date 2June2018:
Level 19 - 64 and Level 18 - 48 => 112 while 49mags against 63 humans
Level 17 - 80 players => 80 while 36 mags against 44 humans

And its only on COM server,but we also in cross server with DE and PL. I still consider you as a selfish person at this point,lack of motivation to que and lack of players is kinda not the same.


Saturday, June 2nd 2018, 7:18pm

the fact is:

23 cc lvl19 +1 runing

4 cc lvl 17

few lvl 18 in cc with lvl 19

so no, despite what you guess about my lvl, we aren't enough active at lvl 17 for being alone for that event.

just check meridian fights how many at lvl 19 and how many at lvl 17 ...

and what your issue? lvl 19 mix with lvl 18 who don't come ... 23 cc in a bit more than 24h isn't enough? you even don't go lol

Never saw so much bad faith... I didn't know you, i start to understand a lot of things.

Now is the last time i answer you, i really don't like waste time speaking with people with bad faith.


Saturday, June 2nd 2018, 7:27pm

we aren't enough active at lvl 17 for being alone for that event.

just check meridian fights how many at lvl 19 and how many at lvl 17 ...

lack of motivation to que and lack of players is kinda not the same.

doesn't need any comments at this part,lol

bad faith

thats how you threat people with different point of view from yours?


Saturday, June 2nd 2018, 10:04pm

liv18 is on equal terms against a level 19. liv18 against a lvl17 is too much they have combos + bunos set =P


Saturday, June 2nd 2018, 10:31pm

Do 18 alone and 17 together with 19, to make things interesting :wizard:


Saturday, June 2nd 2018, 10:32pm

Do 18 alone and 17 together with 19, to make things interesting :wizard:



Sunday, June 3rd 2018, 10:05am

liv18 against a lvl17 is too much they have combos + bunos set =P
really, was too much for you?

Do you know that 18-17 are together in other bf? ;)

 LE LOUP [17] 


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Location: Paris/Bruxelles/Luxembourg city

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Sunday, June 3rd 2018, 9:15pm

if 17, 18 against 19 happend

i want 10 11 against 12 :embarressed:

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Sunday, June 3rd 2018, 9:46pm

honestly, we will see tomorrow how much valor was made over this weekend, users will always complain

what is the definition of insanity? :glance:

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