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Friday, August 10th 2018, 11:38am

[ITEMS] Shadow: Spells

Weekly knowledge test: 10/08/2018-16/08/2018

Your shadow and spells: Which spells do you think are the best and for which occasion?

Post your answers here.


For all who do not know the game yet some simple rules:
  • Every week (Friday morning) we publish one question to our game:
    Legend. Legacy of the Dragons.
  • From all correct and complete answers up to 10 participants will win one promotional game code each.
  • The most detailed or unique answers have the biggest chance to win.
  • Copy and paste-answers will NOT be considered. Same goes for trolling or spamming or inadequate language.
  • Personal attacks on other players in your answers/posts as well will NOT be accepted.
  • Answer must be in English. You can answer in your mothertongue only if you post understandable translation in English in same post as your answer.
  • The winners will be chosen by a mixed team of magmars and humans. The decision will be final.
  • Codes will be sent to winners via private messages in the forum or per post ingame.

Good game and good luck for all! :drink:

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Aixlinn" (Aug 17th 2018, 7:32am)

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Saturday, August 11th 2018, 12:30am

For this one....i have to answer from my point of view as a hunter and the best folio for me is

Thrill of the hunt Folio which gives shadow the spell for Thrill of the Hunt

Reasons : Since i am a hunter and my shadow is BC built, i mostly use my shadow to hunt...

The thrill of the hunt spell has Effect like a Weak Elixir of Power but instead of 37%, its just 25%.....And it only works against monsters...

On the bright side, the Effect last for 10 turns, so when it is activated, my shadow can hit in 10 turns with extra damage and possible of power crit due to the BC built, and instead of the Shadow Power which can be used many times but the interval expectation is unpredictable eventhough the the damage increase is even higher(40%) than Thrill of the Hunt (25%). Thrill of the hunt have better power crit chances than Shadow Power's power crit.

On the not so bright side, the spell is one time used, so....when used at wrong time it will end up badly

Why i like this Spell as the best
Easy hunt, easy shadow quest (for 5 kills and upgraded quest for not making more damage than shadow), and also good for picking (those scorpions and gargoyles dont leave me alone in peace from time to time).

That is all my say about best shadow spell to me... ^^

 lol666 [9] 


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Saturday, August 11th 2018, 10:23am

Personally i use my shadow as support to my own character, so basically it's funciton is not to deal dmg but to heal me or to purify me from negative effects.
My personal favorite tomes are the one that heals you for 40% hp and the one that clenas you from any chaos mount effect.
These two cam be really helpful in pvp situation, speccialy chaos purify effect in case you meet achaos mount. :beaten: For pve mode the healing spell is good too.
To deal dmg to either monster or other player, there are special folios for that, or just put the normal power increse spell.
There is also some spell like giant effect for the shadow but personally dont really like, since my shadow deals pretty low dmg.
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Saturday, August 11th 2018, 11:57am

Best support spell to have its the Shadow Antichaos. It helps alot in the pvp fights and some pve (Invasion of Chaos - Gates stage, Faeo under the Control of Darkness - Poseidopus stage). Having this spell could be the line between loosing or winning a battle.

Another support spell its Life Gift wich act like a healing scoll that the shadow can use during the battle when the owner needs it.

Another offensive spell that its really effiient its Shadow Poison wich can garantee a certain amount of damage that teh shadow can do (beside the physical damage). This is better used by the HW shadow cause its based on the Hp of the shadow.

Twilight Potency its also a good choice for shadows. It increases the life of the shadow for the duration of the battle. More time thats stays in fight, more damage that it makes.

Remember!! Shadow will use of spell if any of the conditions of activatiing a spell are available. Ex: having an Antichaos spell equiped will not make shadow activate that spell unless you have any effect on yourself that can be cleared with an antichaos scroll.

I personally use antichaos in one of the slots, plus 2 other slots that i have filled with spells that increase the damage.

No matter wich spell you will get, they will all consume mana. There are some that will consume all the mana of your shadow and some that will use only a part. Best thing to do its try to use a combination of spells. Have Antichaos in one of the slots and put on the other slots that you have others spells that you see fit.

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Sunday, August 12th 2018, 9:35am

Well it all depends on situation where you are using shadow but these are the best ones for me

Antichaos folio is ofcourse good in battlefiled as almost every top player +9 lvl has jakaral so it will help alot

Fetter of weakining folio is good aswell as it can reset combo at that can help alot aswell

Twilight potency folio its inscreases shadows life for 20% thats good when you fighting heaveyweights,and ofcoruse shadow can survive more hits

Twillight fetters folio is good because it does not alow mounts to use spells for 5 moves

Rebirth folio for me is the best ones as when you die shadow ressurect you with 25% hp but no more than shadows,its good because in fights where are many ppl sometimes you switch and you get stunned and die and you still have potions left in your belt. [size=10] [/size]:fight:[size=10] [/size][size=10] [/size]:king:[size=10] [/size]
I don't have no fear of death. My only fear is coming back reincarnated.


Wednesday, August 15th 2018, 2:38am

my shadow is nooby but it does what i mainly use it for. Anti chaos often saves using one from an illusionary slot, Shadow Poison good for making some damage in abyss to get valor, rebirth as a way of rezzing when opponents get lucky stuns and charm dispersal it disps itself which is useful to make it last longer in abyss fights and exiles fortress