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Friday, September 7th 2018, 8:16am

by nefertitis logic we shouldnt be able to use mirrors, or ball and chain, or hex or well anything that can be used tactically


Friday, September 7th 2018, 1:23pm

RIght, Nefertiti, but now when I have exe magic, I can join a scroll fight, and I can start one using exe magic to have same advantage that human had :)


Friday, September 7th 2018, 1:38pm

Deathwish +1


Friday, September 7th 2018, 6:20pm

It's amazing how some players pretend to be deaf and dumb...
Nefertiti, the reasons why using exe scrolls have an impact on BF, on the team, on the player using it and such are already written crystal clear in english with a proper typo and font size in the previous posts.
Free hint, spend 5 minutes on actually read the posts, you may enjoy it...but hey, you are Healer 2 so maybe it's not really your confort zone spread opinions about it.


Friday, September 7th 2018, 8:28pm

No need to go on a personal attack dear, dont act like a tsunami .well:

I understand that this change doesnt suit you or your bf plan, but as long as you have a reply from an admin...

I know youre tough in fights since we were fighting Dragons on ancient plateao, im sure you will do just great without the exe scrolls as a trump (you were flexing musles in front of Loup a few posts ago, so that should count for something, lol).

As for the refound of your scroll, im sure you can try to make a ticket to support and explain the situation and ask if they can help you with the refound.

PS: werent the exe scrolls 50% off some time ago and now 10% off on fair (atlest thats the discount for BOV spells). Not sure its such a great ideea to ask for a discount if thats the case for exe scrolls too...

Anyway, good luck in battlefields! :knight:

 LE LOUP [17] 


Posts: 301

Location: Paris/Bruxelles/Luxembourg city

Occupation: Aerospace engineer

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Monday, September 10th 2018, 6:54pm

:ghost: :ghost: :ghost: i still wait in queue .well: