We have now opened a compensation quest that you can get from the Elders on the main City Squares until Monday.
Additionally, we will be running some technical works tomorrow in order to fix the lag issues, you can read more about that here: Technical Works .
Additionally, we will be running some technical works tomorrow in order to fix the lag issues, you can read more about that here: Technical Works .
Lisad | Community Manager
The game is still under the attack of edgy 13 year old meme lords.
The only way to get rid of it is all of us spamming this thread with "thank mrs lisad" otherwise the 12 year old edgelords will join the 13 year olds and all will do Fortnite default dance on our graves for 10 years straight.
thank mrs lisad
The only way to get rid of it is all of us spamming this thread with "thank mrs lisad" otherwise the 12 year old edgelords will join the 13 year olds and all will do Fortnite default dance on our graves for 10 years straight.
thank mrs lisad
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
Quoted from "Battleking69"
lag is not fixed, please escalate to your infrastructure team
Did you come back from the future to tell us that?
My mistake, I see its scheduled for tomorrow, GL, game un playable right now
rectified my statement within 2 mins when I read all the comments
what is the definition of insanity?