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 LE LOUP [17] 


  • "LE LOUP" started this thread

Posts: 301

Location: Paris/Bruxelles/Luxembourg city

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Tuesday, January 1st 2019, 2:48am

mag bank


It's been third time i go mag bank and i always receive error message :

Error -310 when loading url…access+the+bank

3 times means 3x12.5 diamonds lost(


Tuesday, January 1st 2019, 11:36am

same happening to me when i try human bank, same msg i got

i tried support too, they want all datas, but not proper answer to fix it...

yesterday i went again becosue they said they did smething... but guess, nothing

hope they fix it soon



Tuesday, January 1st 2019, 5:35pm

Are you trying to rob the bank through client? I've had same issue on client as well since the purchase page (where the rob bank button is) of bank always opens up a browser page to buy diamonds, but ofc when robbing enemy bank we arent trying to buy diams :$ Best to try robbing through browser version of game

 LE LOUP [17] 


  • "LE LOUP" started this thread

Posts: 301

Location: Paris/Bruxelles/Luxembourg city

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Tuesday, January 1st 2019, 8:23pm


Did u try from browser, and it worked ?


Tuesday, January 1st 2019, 11:11pm

yep it worked from browser for me

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Wednesday, January 2nd 2019, 12:54am

Same error for all of last year for me for magmar bank...
You really know its "game over" when the most fun we have is talking in forums...


Friday, January 4th 2019, 4:38pm

actually i tried today again
on client it say error like all do, but in web browser i can access bank
but to be all perfect i didnt get reward, banker said, that bank is full empty, loool
so kinda wste of time, idk when will be ever filled enough?


 LE LOUP [17] 


  • "LE LOUP" started this thread

Posts: 301

Location: Paris/Bruxelles/Luxembourg city

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Friday, January 4th 2019, 6:09pm

game update every day at 5AM game time.

if u came earlier, then it might be someone who took ur money haha


Friday, January 4th 2019, 6:46pm

i actually came around 6AM, so almost sure no one was before there, but yes, might be that too
thanks for info :)


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Friday, January 4th 2019, 8:06pm

has anyone logged ticket yet? or should I log one?
what is the definition of insanity? :glance:

 LE LOUP [17] 


  • "LE LOUP" started this thread

Posts: 301

Location: Paris/Bruxelles/Luxembourg city

Occupation: Aerospace engineer

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Saturday, January 5th 2019, 2:49am

im to lazy i hope one admin read this and fix it ^^