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Thursday, January 24th 2019, 8:36am

Client refused the load…134&server_id=0

Got stuck in this fight, he would not load on client, at all. I was stuck looking at an hour glass rotating but wouldn't load. I refreshed, restarted client, and clear cache so many time its not even funny. Had to load up browser to even see if he took damage. while client refused to load him, I could see things on my side taking damage but the hourglass stayed on me and his hp stayed full. Every now and then the attack prompt would appear and I would click but no damage would pop up, no animation, and back to hourglass.

Client need an upgrade or fix, something, cus it's crap.


Thursday, January 24th 2019, 9:15am…&threadID=35556

i made a thread about client problems but noone reply and help to that thread stays at top. It is need update.