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Wednesday, August 14th 2019, 1:03pm

new BF and rep

Still lot of bugs:

inside, we get .. at least we can read that on chat
- energy for kill and scalp too
- glory (like a lvl 10, but glory)
- reward for daily activity (for 3 scalps etc ....)

But when we come back on our server:
no scalp
no energy
no glory only the glory for win or lost bf
no reward for daily activity

on all other bf on interserver that work, there no ...

Still no BF map !! super in CC .well:

We can still get the chest from "Reward for feats of arms" and use the bless inside

Is it possible to fix these bugs?


Wednesday, August 14th 2019, 1:21pm

Energy, scalp, glory and daily activity reward are not supposed to carry over after the battlefield ends. Maybe it sucks but it's by design
The quests from missions of the firstborn (and other colours) can give extra rewards besides arbiter of fate rep and coins, I have seen scalps and trophy hunter rep as rewards and I assume it isn't limited to that.

Posts: 581

Location: Aspen, CO

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Wednesday, August 14th 2019, 5:48pm

coal that you get in it also doesnt trasnfer


Thursday, August 15th 2019, 10:41am

Energy, scalp, glory and daily activity reward are not supposed to carry over after the battlefield ends. Maybe it sucks but it's by design
Is that what you think or an info? in that case where did you read that?


I have seen scalps and trophy hunter rep as rewards and I assume it isn't limited to that

Where did you see that?


Thursday, August 15th 2019, 10:48am

and no map, it's also a feature?

i'm still thinking that all are bug.

We have admin who like communicate with us, they would have answer that aren't bug but all at purpose things and why. Like for meridian queue keeping secret.


Thursday, August 15th 2019, 11:03am

Somebody can explain maybe what's that + x valor when we use that item if we do not get valor in bf or if we get valor like a lvl 10?
For participating in combats on the battlefields of the past, you will also receive: x% of valor ....

Isn't written for join the bf you will get your bonus valor increased ...


Thursday, August 15th 2019, 11:27am

Hey Dahna,

About the scalps, enegery and coals etc. Its normall we don't get. Like liam said with the mission born quests that could be activated after completing Postponed Death. Then you can earn scalps.

The amount of valor gets added after the instance. For me its like 100k valor for win and 40k for lose. Since I am capped this amount get added to Glory.

For the map they are working on dwar. its written in their forums and explained that it will follow.
Admins communicated to us by the Arbiter news page.

For Meridian queqe I am sadly to tell that admins not gonna change it for now. I asked already, few others asked and for now it won't change. Maybe in future.


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Thursday, August 15th 2019, 12:05pm

Will Danha stop making crying posts one day? I doubt it ?(


Thursday, August 15th 2019, 7:23pm

Hey Dahna,

About the scalps, enegery and coals etc. Its normall we don't get. Like liam said with the mission born quests that could be activated after completing Postponed Death. Then you can earn scalps.

So you're saying that after completion of this quest we will earn scalps in these bf? I red lot of things on russian site, didn't found any info about that


The amount of valor gets added after the instance. For me its like 100k valor for win and 40k for lose. Since I am capped this amount get added to Glory.

and again, from where are these infos coming? it's just a bit strange to offer so much valor at end when it's even no need to fight to get valor. You join, wait and get valor, that's for just join and go afk ... really strange.


For Meridian queqe I am sadly to tell that admins not gonna change it for now. I asked already, few others asked and for now it won't change. Maybe in future.


we had the queue, so we could queue when are some people in and no need to stay stuck all day long on pc. one day they removed without any explain. Why? no explain as usual.

Isn't so important, more time goes on, less we care. one day we will not care anymore.

But thank you for your answers guys, but i really would like know from where are these infos, since our admins are mute, better trusted source :)


Thursday, August 15th 2019, 7:41pm

human race is the hell for go this pvp too many random players some dont know how to play i dont complain about but the afks. almost in all caves they go afk for few min thats ok too but others assface make 2 fights to go afk 45 minutes mmhmmm what more i could say all the mags have at least a clue in what do. there no people to do groups as mags can do on my lvl at least. too hard to soloplayers win cant carry in cave maybe if the playstyle were as meridian vaults it would have been a 10/10 the new rep but 0 skills to win. the counter set will win everytime only if find worst noob maybe you win to the counter set


Thursday, August 15th 2019, 8:23pm

This answers most of the things you ask.

And this as an example of a mission giving scalps as a reward. No, finishing the quest will not make your scalps/coals/energy/activities/whatever carry over. The info I had before was also from RU pages, but now that the FAQ is here on our server it shouldn't be very complicated.