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Friday, August 23rd 2019, 10:57pm

Racing with death

From here:
"After completing the quest “Postponed Death”, the next quest “Racing with death” will become available to you. To do this, refer to the Ancient mask, which is in the backpack."
22:42 You have completed the quest Postponed Death. But there is no new quest there.
Does anyone faced this issue? Or maybe I am newbie and doing something wrong?


Friday, August 23rd 2019, 11:18pm

Same issue. I'm just assuming they'll add it in at a later date


Friday, August 23rd 2019, 11:30pm

They will add the quests in a week or two. They will let us know when its online.


Tuesday, March 24th 2020, 1:30am

Was implemented, Mask gives new quest