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Thursday, February 20th 2020, 6:57pm

Thank You Admins!

Can we take a moment to appreciate this update and admins?

Not for what is being updated, but for the reason that there actually is an update. This game has been here for 12 years.. 12 YEARS and it is still being updated. I play games that generate 100s of times more revenue than this one and they haven't seen updates in years.

We might not agree with the things being changed. We still have many issues with game and how administration works. We will like somethings to be changed before others. But I am glad that the game is being updated and that we are seeing things being done.

So, a thank you to admins for bringing new stuff. :xmasparty:

 Innos [13] 


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Thursday, February 20th 2020, 10:49pm

Guard saying thank you to admins this aint staged for sure :lol:
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Friday, February 21st 2020, 3:28am

You think admins would ask a guard to say thank you to them? Sheesh man

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Saturday, February 22nd 2020, 3:24pm

12years its been here and still doesnt cater to the needs of the community.
but yea nice update gg


Sunday, February 23rd 2020, 8:45pm

lord of war,

admins do this not for us

they fusion only pl+com servers,because all other paypal alot more

this is a way to save some money

12years......correct and respect,but still near 0service and that is for me the point,why i play more this crappy fun-acc


Sunday, February 23rd 2020, 9:52pm

My hope is, when we are merged, we will not only have events still in russian, but some will be in polish too!
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Sunday, February 23rd 2020, 11:32pm

And I hope we will get to eat some pierogis. Come on, I'm hungry!
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Monday, February 24th 2020, 4:39am
