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Thursday, March 5th 2020, 1:29pm

Great Battle Wins - a player statistic (MAGS only)

Dear Boys and girls,

i was interested in best GB players and watched some stats during last 2 Plateau Weekends.

I found some incredible Stats and for the ones who are also interested in weird (and useless :shuffle: )
statistics i now share it with you...

If you know people with > 60% wins i´d like to know to fill in, thanks in advance

To all "Secret mask" Monsters like - blacky - and Totok:

Send me a screenshot of your stats with PM please :rabbit: :smile:


Thursday, March 5th 2020, 2:42pm

COOL 7th place!!! XDA


Thursday, March 5th 2020, 3:03pm

523 win / 929 participation


Thursday, March 5th 2020, 3:14pm

Victories in great battles 147
Participation in Great Battles 261


Thursday, March 5th 2020, 4:20pm

Victories in Great Battles: 1127
Participation in Great Battles: 1514

Only information, see Mendi for example.


Thursday, March 5th 2020, 4:23pm

well ive to say all those are bad playing. win all gbs in infernal btfield in ES server lol

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Thursday, March 5th 2020, 4:58pm

Some low levels join every single GB they can and luckily win, now they're in this list.


Stupid leeches everywhere.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.

 Innos [13] 


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Friday, March 6th 2020, 9:29am

not a suprise most of them are mags humans mostly just think stacking up will win fights .well:
I don't have no fear of death. My only fear is coming back reincarnated.


Friday, March 6th 2020, 10:53am

i have 80% put me in the top