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  • "OriginalSith" started this thread

Posts: 1,053

Location: Canada

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Monday, March 16th 2020, 8:18pm

Server crashing?

nice "have a good day" bless but lag is so bad, it takes 2mins to login to game, 15s to change locations and then have to refresh...

PERHAPS since the game has contracted the coronavirus, that maybe it would be nice to up the power on the server with all the influx of players wanting to play?
You really know its "game over" when the most fun we have is talking in forums...

Posts: 1,512

Location: South Africa

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Monday, March 16th 2020, 8:38pm

Hi Admin,

click on control panel, system and security, power options, under preferred plans change from balanced (recommended, dont be fooled this balanced plan should never be chosen, even if microsoft insists) to High performance. recycle app pools and just to be sure restart server just incase 8o

maybe if you are nice as well, give us another day of bless or not...up to you :thumbup:
what is the definition of insanity? :glance:


Tuesday, March 17th 2020, 10:01am

all lines around the world crashes :D but I don't see any new player here

same buddies
404 not found


Tuesday, March 17th 2020, 12:00pm

Hi Admin,

click on control panel, system and security, power options, under preferred plans change from balanced (recommended, dont be fooled this balanced plan should never be chosen, even if microsoft insists) to High performance. recycle app pools and just to be sure restart server just incase 8o

New Server Admin in 3,2,1.. :thumbsup:


Wednesday, March 18th 2020, 2:50pm


I've heard lots of people complaining about lag lately. The game has been literally unplayable since Friday for me personally, basically when the arena event started. Game works for 2m then crashes for 1m, rinse and repeat... I can barely use the auction let alone hunt or do pvp. Good thing I haven't been waiting months for a weekend arena event...

Please fix the server, the last thing this game needs is less people playing it.