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Monday, March 30th 2020, 12:22am

Monthly chaos invasion

Why not making chaos invasion a monthly event again? As the last time was over 1 years ago it would be nice to have it as a periodic event again, also every 2/3 months would be fine. It's a nice event who made me know many new people and brought me back some will to play as i'm barely logging in. And no i don't need particles for jakaral food as i already have huge stocks plus 350 easy particles in june :P

Posts: 337

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Monday, March 30th 2020, 5:31am

I was at least 10 hours in que and didn't get in a single time, thanks to our beloved lvl 5s & 6s who would rather spend their priceless time naked hunting or using invisibility, overbuffing and stalling for hours in a losing fight at plateau or other battlefields just because...

DE players have at least 3 BATTLEFIELDS at the same time at any given moment. And as I HEAR, they have it monthly.

That being said, I guess having this event more often could lead to spicing the game up a little more, instead of ONLY having pvp events all the time.

Posts: 866

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Monday, March 30th 2020, 3:55pm

I agree to Designer that more often would be great. Not monthly in my opinion but
YES - more often then once a year please.

Although outcome is not that great (some particles and no drop normally) and effort
is very high (long waiting times, long time inside, much EXP!) i totally like it as:

It is about communication with people!

Find a group, explain how event works, communicate with humans to find people...
All that made us have huge fun in level 9+10 and we have been in the maximum number
of 5 times... :embarressed:

But most important thing for next time: Please create news or flood for it as most people
dont even know about event... :teacher:

Posts: 581

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Monday, March 30th 2020, 7:47pm

the event is already once a month


Thursday, April 2nd 2020, 6:24pm

it is, but just in event tab, as it probably won't happen like always

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