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  • "Mattel" started this thread

Posts: 581

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Wednesday, April 15th 2020, 8:42am

A request for the administration: List of complaints, improvements, and recommendations for prosperity of game

Hi, this is a small-long thread - this is NOT a venting thread, it's more of an optimistic thread coming from a player that has cared enough for the game and notice issues that must be improved (from a marketing's mind)

There is a lot of room for improvement in this game, and it can be clearly seen from the moment you login - yes, you login, you know there is an issue that bothers you but you have grown out of it, so it doesn't bother you as much anymore. Well, some players have plenty of those, and one of mine is the lack of advertisement - but to apply advertisement for this game, all these issues must be resolved and improvements must be made:


  • HTML5 was introduced on March 3rd, 2020.
  • Compared to Safari, and other browsers that are not Chrome, it was a big improvement, but there is a lot of issues that come with it:
  • Hotkeys for physical mode scroll down the battle link. This means, whenever you hit down, then the fight also goes down, as in you can see your arrows more clearly, but also removes the nickname bar. If you keep going down, then you would eventually hit the bottom of it.
  • Emots cause a lot of lag... If there is more than 6 emots in chat, you would get a lag on fights or even walking. It may also cause lag in other tabs, so you'd need to clear the chat so you won't get lag on them


  • Would you know how nice it would be for players to have their native language in the server? yes, it is COM server, but when the first ever merge happened, many players left because it was so difficult to adapt to the English language - quests were in English, reputations, armor, locations, curses, blesses, EVERYTHING. This would eventually give a huge advantage to already English speakers, as they did not need to waste their time and open Google Translate to translate, let's say for example a random bless that popped on you on your fight and you have no idea what it is.
  • If this game would have an availability to select which game the language should be for them, then this would boost the population of the game a lot, since the game would be able to advertise in several languages in websites like Facebook (from those annoying 5-second videos while you watch videos) or whenever you google "MMORPG game". But Mattel, what about auction, or links of items? Well, if the game would implement a multi-language system, then a flag would appear in the corner in every link, choosing which language to set it to.
  • More languages = More doors to MMORPG gamers around the world

Upcoming PL merge

  • Castle: what will human clans that worked so hard to upgrade to lvl 3 do when they find out there are 6 human lvl 3 clans (6 in COM as well) and their castle situation? Currently there is 8 turrets, with the chance of 4 more turrets being added (because in the map they are not functional)
  • Mobs and resources: You know this story. About resources though, what will happen with resources that do not pop as often as other resources (lvl 10 plants as an example) after seeing an increase of population in the server?

Other areas of improvements

  • Events: every one knows already how to certain special events... it is time to improve the game by adding more events that can attract more people, and at the same time attract more potential diamond buyers.
  • Client for Mac users: Yes... us Mac users are still looking for a client that can work potentially better for us - please help
  • Items, quests, tabs, rewards in Russian: Fix them please!
  • An animated hunting screen: This is an idea presented by a few players and me, on how players' bodies can be show in the hunting screen to see what they are doing, like fishing, collecting plants, or attacking a mob. This would be a great feature in the future.

All these improvement or issues seen on game, as mentioned above, can lead for the COM server to advertise this game even more, gaining more players and more entertainment for all of us. Would eventually also increase the purchase of diamonds. Do not let the game die.

It is open to everyone to comment, whether it is to criticize this thread or give even more areas of improvement for the administration to look out for.


Wednesday, April 15th 2020, 8:47am

All above sound great and FIX LVL 20 HUNT ALREADY! FOR GOD SAKE PLEASE!!!!


Wednesday, April 15th 2020, 8:48am

fight screen too small i can add this :lol: im agree with u

Posts: 335

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Wednesday, April 15th 2020, 9:08pm

Wanted to make a quick post just to say it, but yes, it's is utterly important to increase the number of resources.
It's almost impossible for 2 players to pick lvl 4/5/6/7... resources at the same time (tested), considering that there are only 2 locations per faction that each of the resource spawns upon (correct me if I'm wrong)... and also having in mind that the need for those resources has risen due to new reputations and such... as it is, NOW, without PL players on it.
I imagine that the concept transfers to mobs of all levels as well.


Thursday, April 16th 2020, 12:39am

make events that can help improve shadows as well as the player.


Thursday, April 16th 2020, 6:42am

fix lvl 20 hunt +


Thursday, April 16th 2020, 10:19am

if they dont increase resources etc on ru with higher population will they increase here?

Posts: 335

Location: The Astral Plane

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Thursday, April 16th 2020, 1:16pm

RU server won't die... However, I can't say the same for this one.

Apart from that, there are certain things here that don't exist on RU (eg. attack rule, which is one of the major components of the game). So, yeah, they can increase mobs and resources, ty very much.


Friday, April 17th 2020, 3:02pm

Make fight screen big and better, make chat better


Friday, April 17th 2020, 3:07pm

Put acoustic signal for the start of the battlefield


Sunday, April 19th 2020, 6:06pm

Fix level 20 hunting.