Dear Humans,
This is how the Shaissar will work fron now on, whoever summons the bird will call there clan or whoever they wish to with the max being 23 people in fight, if summon joins your Shaissar without permission and i MEAN ANYONE! then you can go ahead and send me the link to this person and i will exe them until they learn this is how Shaissar works. Only exception to this wil be people joining for support but they WILL NOT make dmg and only support whoever asked them to come, my clan and alliance has been warned of this already and i expect all of them to listen, if they do not listen same goes for them, i will hire exe myself to teach them myself or i will leave my own clan and have wars all over faeo because we all know that i just enjoy that so much. So thanks for taking time to learn new rules, now i suggest you act on this quickly! All have been warned